Page 54 of Flynn
He was featured in various financial magazines and was courted by politicians, including the now-sitting President. He had reached the pinnacle and had become a powerful force.
Maurice was successful and feared, but his resources could not be compared to those of his former friend.
His fingers tightened on the decanter as he stared out the towering glass. For the first time since he purchased the property, he was not enjoying the lush magnificence of the decor. He had paid a hefty sum to decorators who assured him everything in the apartment was the height of fashion.
He had seen the manor Flynn had bought because it was featured in ‘Home & Style,’ with the writer raving over the understated luxury and how she admired how he had not flaunted his wealth by going ostentatious and obvious.’ Maurice had figured spitefully that he had probably been screwing the woman to get such rave reviews.
He had tried to get them to come and feature his home in the same magazine without success—something else to add to the list of things he had to pay back Flynn for.
Now, his former best friend was sleeping with the enemy. Literally, of all the women he could become involved with, he had gone with one who was bent and determined to persecute and prosecute him.
Downing the rest of the drink, he slammed the glass down on the marble countertop of the cabinet, his mood switching from mean to vicious. Flynn had pushed him over the edge and would have to be stopped. He and that bitch he was sleeping with.
Margaret stared at her daughter in shock.
“Why am I the last to know about this?” she demanded.
“You are the fourth,” Ryleigh told her mildly as she reached for her cup of tea. Today was the last day of her ‘leave’ from the office, and she could not wait to return. After several arguments, she reluctantly agreed to Flynn’s terms.
“I am not moving in with you fully. I will divide my time between here and your place for now.”
“What the hell is that going to accomplish?” he asked irritably.
“It gives us a way out.”
“A way out of what?”
“I am not going to argue with you.”
“Too late,” he told her grimly.
Now she sat facing her mother while she told her the news. She didn’t want her to hear about it from another source. Flynn was determined to take their relationship public. And she had realized in the short time she knew him that he was stubborn and immovable.
She also realized that she liked having him around. He was solid and determined to take care of her.
Margaret gave her a look that spoke volumes.
“I am sorry, Mother,” she said with a sigh. “It just happened.”
“You became a surrogate or are now involved with the father?” She demanded.
“Both.” Stretching her legs out, she wriggled her toes. She was feeling a little down today, and she supposed it had a lot to do with the fact that she had clung to Flynn this morning before he left and realized, to her horror, that she had almost begged him to stay with her today.
He sensed her mood and stayed back a few minutes, holding her in his arms and infusing her with strength and warmth. His amber eyes had searched her face and made her feel completely vulnerable and naked.
After he left, she had been sick to her stomach and retched until she felt as if her stomach lining was coming through her mouth. Now, she was dealing with her mother, who had decided to drop by unannounced, demanding to know what was happening.
“Honey, you are not being very forthcoming.” Margaret gave her a disapproving look.
“Are you going to marry this man? And when will I, as your mother, formally meet him?”
“We are still trying to figure things out.”
“What on earth does that mean? I don’t understand this generation. You are pregnant, carrying the man’s baby - How far along are you?”
Ryleigh hesitated before responding, knowing that her answer would raise a bar of questions and hurt feelings. But she decided to plunge ahead.