Page 43 of Flynn
“Now, Flynn, what kind of greeting is that from an old friend?” Sitting back down, Marvin reached for his glass of wine. “Or have you become too high and mighty that you somehow think you are better than me?”
“Not think. Know.” Flynn’s amber gaze swept over him dismissively. “An expensive suit and two hoodlums guarding your back do not make you into a human being, Marvin. Underneath the Brioni suit and expensive Romano’s watch, you are still a street rat and always will be.”
This time, the anger was more defined by the man’s tightened mouth and flexed fingers on the slender stem of the glass.
“I don’t have to sit here and take insults from the likes of you. I need to enjoy my lunch in peace.”
“I have a warning for you.”
Marvin’s eyebrows lifted in forced amusement. “Warning?”
“Yes, you piece of shit. Others might fear you because you somehow manage to give them the impression that you are someone to fear. But I know better.” Flynn leaned forward, ignoring the men who were resting their hands on the butt of their weapons.
“I knew you when you were scrounging through the trash and wetting your bed when your old man used to beat the shit out of you. I know the real Marvin Daley, and I remain unimpressed.”
Dark brown eyes glittered. “You would dare to come here and confront me like this?”
“I would dare because you are nothing. The woman you hired your thugs to run off the road is of personal interest to me, and if there were any proof that you ordered the hit, I would be slitting your throat from ear to ear.” The icy amber eyes had Marvin pressing back in the padded seat.
“I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. You have gone mad.”
“Ryleigh Bogle. Does the name ring a bell?”
A smile touched the other man’s lips as he stared at him. “Ah, the high and mighty Flynn Zimmermann has gone soft over a skirt. But weren’t you recently engaged to some society princess who dumped you for your uncle?” He tutted.
“Imagine both of you panting after the same woman. She must have been a contortionist in bed. Perhaps I should find out for myself. What do you think?”
“Do whatever the hell you want,” Flynn told him icily. “But if you even walk on the same side of the road as Ryleigh, even breathe in her direction, I am coming after you.” he bared his teeth in a parody of a smile that had the other man pressing back in the chair.
“I am giving you fair warning. I am coming after you if she even stubs her toe on the pavement. Is that clear?” He leaned closer. “And you know more than anyone what I am capable of, don’t you?”
Picking up the glass of wine, he poured the contents into the bowl of shrimp salad the man had been enjoying. Pushing back his chair, he rose. “Consider yourself warned.”
With a scornful look at the two men standing behind their boss, he turned and walked out.
“Should we go after him, boss?” The one with the bulging shoulders asked in a whisper.
“What the hell for?” Flinging down the napkin, Marvin reached for his glass of water and downed the content in one gulp. His heart was pounding so hard inside his chest that he felt as if he was having a stroke, and his armpits were moist.
How dare that bastard threaten him! People shivered at the sound of his name. He ruled his kingdom with a steel rod, and no one - absolutely no one- spoke to him that way, so he got away with it. He would be dead before he knew what hit him.
But he knew that Flynn was different. He was terrifying, and even when they were teenagers, everyone held him in the highest esteem. It was nothing he ever said or even anything he did, but he always had a way with him. He did not have to say a word to get his point across.
Marvin had used violence to put the fear of God in people who crossed him, but Flynn never had to do that. Gripping the napkin, he glared at the empty doorway and wondered what he would do about his former playmate and girlfriend.
“I am so happy you could meet me for lunch.” Julia looked at the older woman curiously. “Flynn told me what happened to you, and I am still shivering at the thought of what could have happened to you. Have they any leads on the culprits yet?”
“No.” Ryleigh shook her head as she reached for her bowl of vegetables. She had taken the day off from work, briefly filling Rosalyn in with the details of what had happened to her. She had been ordered to take the rest of the week off, and her protests had fallen on deaf ears.
“I don’t want to hear it, Ryleigh.” The woman had told her firmly. “My God, you could have been killed.”
“The police are still investigating. My vehicle has been impounded to aid in the investigation.”
“I see Flynn has lent you one of his vehicles.” Julia was pleased with the turn of events. Her son had finally told her that his relationship with Ryleigh had progressed.
“Just keep it to yourself for now.” He warned. “She does not want anyone to know about us yet.”