Page 23 of Flynn
“But you won’t.” It wasn’t a question, and instead of being annoyed, she felt the laughter bubbling up inside her.
“You would make a delicious dictator.”
He grinned, unwittingly sitting next to her on the bed. “I lack certain qualities.”
“Such as?”
“I hate ordering people around and imposing my will on them.” His expression challenged her to say otherwise.
“I see.” Pretending to think about it, she tapped a long, elegant finger against her left cheek, eyes brimming with mirth. “I can see where there would be a problem.”
“Precisely.” The urge to climb into bed with her was so strong that he could barely resist it. His expression turned sober, and he leaped off the bed like it was on fire.
“What is it?”
“Nothing.” Shoving his hands into his pockets, he stared at her with a frown. “I have been here longer than I anticipated.” The way he said it sounded very much like an accusation, as if it was entirely her fault.
“I never asked you to stay.” She reminded him coolly.
“I never meant-” Breaking off with a sigh, he dragged his fingers through his hair. “I apologize for sounding like-”
“A jerk?” She supplied, her brows arching.
A smile touched his lips. “Something like that.” The smile transformed what was habitually a very stern and cynical face to one of startling, good looks. His eyes crinkled, and his lips were quite sensuous, sending unexpected tingles running up and down her spine. The man was lethal when he wasn’t being rude or frowning. “Will you be okay?”
“I am asking if you will be okay.”
“Yes, of course.” She started fussing with the sheets to give her hands something to do. It occurred to her for the first time that she had a strange man inside her room, a beautiful, virile man, one with whom she was carrying his baby. The last man that had been inside her bedroom had been the one who had betrayed her.
“Good.” He stared at her curiously, trying to figure out if something else was happening with her.
“I will be fine.” Forcing herself to be neutral, she threw him a smile. “I will just try and get some rest. I have to be up bright and early to go in and do some paperwork.”
“I thought you were brilliant in the courtroom,” he commented.
She stared at him in surprise. “I was not my best.”
“Even so,” he smiled at her. “You made that son of a bitch twitchy enough to confess.” His eyes gleamed. “It seems you have a knack for dragging the truth out of people.”
She rolled her eyes and made him laugh, and he had the urge to drag her into his arms. “If that were the case, I wouldn’t still be working on getting that bastard Daley to confess to multiple crimes.”
A frown touched his face. “I thought that was over and done with.”
“It’s not.” She retorted, shaking her head firmly. “He is a dangerous man who takes pleasure in hurting people, and I am not going to stand by and watch him get away with it.”
Flynn felt the icy finger of fear touching his spine. “His verdict was overturned.”
“I am seeking a retrial. There is someone out there who is not afraid of the bastard and is willing to step forward to be a witness.”
He moved closer to the bed and sat facing her. “Leave it alone.” He said.
“What?” She blinked at him and thought she had not heard him right.
“I said leave it the hell alone. I know of Daley; from what I know, he is ruthless and vindictive. There is a reason the witnesses end up dying or going to the hospital. If you continue to pursue this, he will go after you.”
Her eyes flashed. “Let him try. I am not afraid of him.”