Page 86 of Best Laid Plans
"But you saw some dumbass proof and doubted me, didn't you?"
"I did."
"What's left to talk about, Anson? We don't trust each other. Your plan was to set me up. I made sure I couldn't be trapped."
He came to me and put his hands on my cheeks. "I did lay a plan to set you up, but you're smarter than me, definitely smarter than Bailey, who left a trail so clear that the GBI is pickin' her up right now."
It felt good to have him say these things, but I was too broken inside. I was destroyed, and this man was the architect of it all.
My doorbell rang, and I pulled away from Anson. If the front desk let someone up, they were on my list.
I opened the door, and let Luna enter my apartment. "What the fuck do you think you're doing here, Larue?"
Anson smiled. "Hi, Luna."
"What's he doin' here, honey?" Luna asked me.
She was in her usual biker bitch gear, though she had toned down the leather, considering it was spring in Savannah and temperatures were already in the low eighties.
"I have no idea." I closed my front door and leaned against it.
"I'm here to beg for forgiveness," Anson said sadly.
Luna snorted. "Really? After all that you put her through, I expect you to be on your knees crawling, asshole."
Anson looked at me, his eyes on mine, piercing through. "Is that what you want, Sugar? On my knees and crawling?"
It was my turn to scoff. "Like you'd ever do that." Arrogant fuckin' asshole.
I looked away, clenched my jaw, and closed my eyes. I needed him gone so I could find some peace within me. The past few days had been hell and—
"Son of a bitch," Luna gasped.
I opened my eyes, and Anson was on his knees. My breath caught in my chest.
With a look of earnest remorse, he brought his palms together in prayer, bowing his head slightly. "I'm so fuckin' sorry, Sugar. So, so sorry for not listenin' to my heart, for not hearin' yours."
I just stared at him like a deer caught in headlights. I couldn't process what I was saying. The proud Anson Larue was on his knees, begging me.
Luna looked from me to Anson, and then back to me. "Honey, this looks like some kinda kinky foreplay that maybe I shouldn't be part of."
I nodded and moved away from the door.
"Call me and let me know you're okay," Luna murmured as she walked out of my apartment.
"You want me to crawl, Sugar?" Anson asked. He wasn't pretending. He wasn't playing any games.
I shook my head.
"I got no problem doing that for you. I have no pride when it comes to you. I only have love. My heart's full of it and only for you."
I was speechless.
My heart twisted in agony.
And then it stopped when he crawled to me.
I wanted to ask him to stop doing this. Stop making this so hard. We were done. He didn't have to do all this. He didn't have to—