Page 76 of Best Laid Plans
"Oh, it's like that," Beau smirked. "He has an actual hard-on for you?"
After the God-awful days I'd been through, I didn't think I'd ever get to this point, so it was pure relief when I finally burst out laughing.
Chapter 29
"Mr. Larue, there's a Mr. Beauregard Bodine here to see you," Carole informed me at half past ten on the day Nova had been arrested.
I could guess what this was about. I still didn't understand the connection between Beau and Nova, but I was probably going to find out. I'd been waiting all day to hear from Kiefer on the progress of the investigation. He had let me know that Nova would be questioned. A part of me wanted to be with her, another couldn't handle it. Couldn't face the fact that she'd used me…again.
"Send him in." I moved from my desk to the sitting area, which had a couch and two armchairs. The coffee table between them held a bottle of bourbon and glasses. I poured a finger for Beau and myself.
Beau walked in and nodded at me. He sat on an armchair across from me. He picked up the glass of bourbon without sayin' anything, and downed it.
"I needed that," he muttered. "I'm here to ask you to back the fuck off my sister."
I arched an eyebrow. "Your who?"
"Nova King is my half-sister, and she's had enough of your fuckin' bullshit."
He pulled something out of his pocket and threw it at me. I instinctively caught it. It was a USB stick.
"That's proof. It was pathetically easy to find it. Nova didn't have access to Larue Home project funds. You know why?"
My eyes narrowed. What was he saying? I knew she had access, unless….
"She thought you were settin' her up, so she asked finance at Savannah Lace to handle everything. She hasn't logged in once into the budgeting program," Beau explained. He poured himself some more bourbon.
"She's your sister?" I was trying to make sense of what Beau was saying.
"Yeah. My half-sister, but that's just semantics. Ask anyone, and they'll tell you not to fuck with Beau Bodine's family."
This son of a bitch was in my house, drinking my bourbon and threatening me?
"Let's try this again," I drawled, "And let's take it from the top."
"Fuck no!" Beau stood up. "I have a chopper waitin' to take me home. I don't have time to educate your stupid ass. Go through the USB stick, and you'll find that the person who logged in as Nova was your fuckin' fiancée. She's been stealin' from you…for a while now, though she did try to make it look like it was more recent."
I paled. "What?"
"Yeah," Beau nodded smugly.
"How do you know this?"
"I run a software company, and I have skills."
"Did you hack into Larue Homes?" I asked, not sure if I was impressed, amused, or annoyed.
"If I did, well, that would be because your security system is shit," Beau said without humor. "So, here it is. Nina's going to fire your ass."
I stood up then. "Like hell she is."
"You take that up with her. You come near Nova again, and I'll break your fuckin' legs, and that's not hyperbole."
Now, I had to be amused. "Beau, I'm not gonna be your bitch on this, alright? If what you're sayin' is true, and I'm inclined to believe you, ‘cause it makes more sense than…believin' the woman who spent last night with me is…. Well, if that's the case, I'm gonna be near Nova a lot."
"You think she'll want you near her?"