Page 13 of Best Laid Plans
I looked at him with curiosity.
"If the shit hits the fan in any way, I'm your first phone call."
I smiled. "Thank you, Trev."
"Anything for you, darlin'. You know that, right? We're family. I'll fuckin' die for you." He held my gaze, and I knew he was sincere.
"Let's not take this to the extreme, yeah?" I teased, trying to lighten the mood. "I'm going to work on a luxury condo project; it's not life or death."
But I was lying. It was life or death for me. I had to get rid of the ghost of Anson Larue. I had to get past him. I had to have the courage to step into Sentinel again, and face the people there who'd branded me a thief because my lover had.
I knew that nothing about this would be easy. I'd have to work with Bailey—who'd take great pleasure in reminding me that not only was she superior to me, but she was also engaged to the man I loved.
But I wasn't little Miss Nova King any longer. I was a force to be reckoned with. I'd educated myself, polished myself up—and was more than merely Eileen King's daughter. I was Trevor's sister. I was Luna, Stella, Nina, and Aurora's friend. I was Nova King, a career woman. I was the first in my mother's family to have a college degree. The first to be able to buy food without government assistance. The first to have more than a minimum wage job. I could handle Bailey Hyatt. I could handle Alma Larue. I would show Anson he made a mistake. I'd bring him to his knees. He would apologize to me. He thought he was going to set me up for daily humiliation while I worked on Sentinel Heights, but he was going to be disappointed, because I was going to show him who I was, who I had become.
Alright, Anson, let's play ball.
Chapter 7
"You are so fucking beautiful." I couldn't believe Nova was naked in my bed. Her light brown skin contrasting against my white sheets.
She hadn't wanted to come to the mansion and my room—but I convinced her to. The truth was that I could make her do whatever I wanted, but the opposite was true as well. I'd do anything for her.
I had shown her grandma's jewelry in the library safe.
I wanted her to see Grandma's engagement ring. She didn't seem to care about the jewels. She was fascinated by the books in the library. The first editions. I loved her even more for that.
She was so naïve. So utterly clueless as to why I wanted her to see the ring; that I was clearly signaling my intentions, but I knew she wouldn't see it like that. She didn't think we'd last. Didn't think that someone like me would want someone like her. I'd prove her wrong. I'd love her hard, long, and forever.
She moved a hand ineffectually to cover herself, and then sighed. "I…this is embarrassing."
"No, Sugar." I ran a hand over her torso, down to her flat stomach. Her skin was fucking flawless. I cupped her breasts. "You have the sexiest tits I've ever seen. I want to suck them. I want to fuck them."
Her cheeks flushed pink despite her brown skin tone. It was delectable. I brushed my mouth against hers.
"And when I'm inside you, I want to watch those tits bounce."
She smiled uneasily. "Is this…is this part of sex? Talking like this?"
"Only with you," I replied sincerely. I loved how she blushed and squirmed when I talked dirty. "And for you."
I stroked her nipples, circling the hard buds, and licked one. She gasped. "Because it arouses you when I talk dirty."
"It does," she moaned.
She was so honest—always upfront about how she was feeling—that it was a delight. She wasn't like any of the other girls I'd been with. They couched their words and spoke in fucking tongues. They were never direct. But my Nova was.
"Are you wet?" I licked a nipple.
"Find out," she whispered, and delighted me.
I moved my hand down and cupped her pussy. I groaned at her damp heat. "You're soaking wet, Sugar. Wetter than I imagined."
I circled her clit, and she moved against my finger. I'd done this to her before. I'd made her come before, sitting in my truck. But that was as far as I'd allowed it to go. She'd been seventeen. If there was one thing my damned father had drilled into me, it was to not fuck a minor. And, sure, in Georgia, age of consent was sixteen, but I wasn't taking a chance. I'd seen plenty of guys like me get into trouble with underage pussy.