Page 9 of Merciless King
I think back to my previous attempt to escape Gabriel's grasp, the violent consequences I suffered for daring to defy him. The bruises have long since faded, but the memory of his rage, the way he had towered over me as I cowered in a ball on the floor, snarling that he would kill Elysse if we ever tried to leave again, still haunts me.
I shudder, the fear coiling tight in my chest. I can't risk that, can't risk Elysse’s life. As much as I hate it, as much as it tears me apart, I know I have to stay. For her sake, I have to endure.
But the hopelessness of our situation weighs heavily on me. I feel trapped, suffocated by the walls closing in around us. Gabriel's control over me is absolute and he knows it. I have no money. No job. No one. I'm powerless to break free.
Itake a deep breath as I walk into the dining room, Lana and Matteo already seated at the table. Ava Rinella, my fiancée, and her father sit across from them. Her piercing green eyes watch me. Is she happy with the match? Is she afraid? I can be a brutal, callous man, but not usually toward women. I offer her a smile that I hope will put her at ease.
I take my seat at the head of the table, with Ava to my left. The opulent room is filled with an undercurrent of tension that sets my nerves on edge, which is unusual for me. This arrangement has been a part of my life for years. I’ve been dealing with Vincenzo Rinella for years as well. I understand him and how he works. So why am I agitated? The only answer is Piper. My mind is still reeling from my encounter with her. In some ways, I wonder if it was real. After all these years, to run into her at the bank.
“I hope you’re ready for a full Italian meal. Seven courses,” I say with a nod to Gio, one of the servants who’ll be serving us tonight.
Ava offers me a polite smile. "I’ve heard about your famous D’Amato dinners."
“Good to know someone is saying something complimentary about the D’Amato family.”
Lana rolls her eyes at my attempt at humor.
As the servants begin to serve the first course, I force myself to focus on the task at hand. I need to be present, to play the part of the dutiful fiancé, even as my heart yearns for the woman I let slip away all those years ago. I thought I’d moved on, but seeing Piper today proves that wrong. I haven't moved on. I’d buried my feelings, and seeing her today unearthed them. They’re back in full force. Longing fills my chest. Longing and questions. Why did she leave? The only answer is her parents moved her away. But was the move for her parents or were they trying to get her away from me? The total lack of contact once she left suggests her parents disapproved of me. And why wouldn’t they? My world is full of danger.
Vincenzo's voice cuts through the silence, drawing my attention back to the table. "So, Elio, Caruso has been saying good things about you.”
I study him, trying to decide whether he’s jealous or impressed that The Outfit’s Boss has taken notice of me. What many don’t know is Chicago organized crime runs a bit differently from New York. Since Al Capone, there has been one major “family” known as The Outfit. We’re organized by areas, but all areas feed up to The Outfit, run by a single Boss, Caruso, along with an underboss, and street bosses, which I and Rinella are. Another secret is that like in New York, the Mafia has seen a decline… or has it? In Chicago, we learned a long time ago that we make more money and are less likely to get arrested if we lie low, hide in plain sight, and don’t kill so much. Not that we don’t kill if necessary. We’re just more clever at it than our bloodthirsty gangster ancestors.
I nod, taking a sip of my wine. "It’s nice to be noticed.” I’m still young, but my father at one time was in line to take over The Outfit, before he and my mother unexpectedly died in a freak car accident. I know if I’m as smart as my father was, I have a future as a leader in The Outfit.
“I’m sure your father would be proud.”
I still can’t read his meaning. Is he hoping that with this marriage, I’ll pull him with me? Is he annoyed that at a young age, I’m on Caruso’s radar?
“Yes, it's been a lot of work, but I'm honored to carry on his legacy." I pause, choosing my next words carefully. "And of course, I'm looking forward to our upcoming nuptials. It's a union that will only strengthen both of us."
Vincenzo nods. "I'm sure it will. Ava will make you a good wife. She’s been raised to serve her husband and The Outfit.”
Lana hides her disgust behind a sip of wine.
“Surely, there’s more to her than that,” I say, earning a smile from Lana. “Do you have any interests? Hobbies?”
Ava glances at her father as if she needs permission. It proves his comment that she’s been raised to be subservient.
“She cooks,” Vincenzo says.
“Of course she does,” Lana quips. “We have an excellent cook.” She gestures to her plate. We’re on the antipasti course of prosciutto and cheese, no cooking involved.
“Do you have interests and hobbies?” Ava asks me.
My mind instantly flashes to Piper. She’s my only interest at the moment. I clear my throat, forcing myself to refocus on the conversation. "I'm afraid my work with the business does consume a great deal of my time and energy." I offer her a small smile, hoping it comes across as sincere.
Matteo shifts in his seat, drawing my attention. "Don't sell yourself short, Elio. You've also got quite the talent for fine wine and art."
I nod, grateful for Matteo's intervention. "Yes, those are passions of mine as well.”
Ava's brow furrows slightly, and I can't help but wonder what she's thinking. "How… interesting. I must admit, I don't know much about art and wine?—”
“You can teach her,” Vincenzo interrupts, earning another hidden glare from Lana.