Page 80 of The Heartbreaker
Is he high?
“Thank you,” I say sweetly.
Luke’s rueful glare from the table is focused on Jax, so I quickly ease the tension.
“Luke, this is Jax,” I say, widening my eyes and touching my stomach as if I’m sending him secret messages. He gets it right away.
Straightening his spine, I swear he tries to make himself taller. They’re both already tall guys, but Jax has Luke by a few inches, which Luke is desperately trying to make up for with his chest puffed out and his chin held high.
He puts out a hand. “Lucas Goode,” he says proudly, and I’m mildly surprised he didn’t toss the doctor portion in there to show off.
“Nice to meet you,” Jax says with scrutiny. “Are you two on a date?”
“Yes,” Luke replies quickly.
And I throw in a quick “No. Just celebrating.”
The muscles in Luke’s jaw click. I can see it. Jax can see it. The sommelier by the bar can see it.
There’s a thick fog of tension among the three of us that’s probably hazing up this whole restaurant.
“What are you celebrating?” Jax asks cautiously.
Luke doesn’t pipe up to answer this one. Instead, I smile and answer for him. “Luke got into an overseas program in England. It was very competitive and prestigious.”
“Wow, congrats,” Jax replies with a smug nod. Then he glances at me.
“Does that mean you’re moving to England too?” He seems so stiff and almost aggressive. This is not the same Jax I know from the club. He’s no longer flirty and carefree.
I laugh and shake my head. “Oh, no. We’re not a couple.”
There goes Luke’s clicky jaw again. He’s going to wear down his molars if he keeps that up.
“Oh,” Jax replies, his gaze dancing over my face and body again. “Well, it was nice running into you.”
“Yeah, you too,” I reply politely.
Luke is glaring at me. It’s like I can already feel his punishment coming.
“Enjoy your dinner,” Jax says. “I’ll talk to you soon.”
“You too,” I say as I sit back down. Luke stays standing until Jax leaves.
A moment later, our food comes and we eat in tense, uncomfortable silence. All I can think is that Jax didn’t mention anything about the baby. I’m nothing but a woman he slept with once, and that’s it. I just happen to be pregnant with a child created from his sperm, and that’s it.
Sperm doesn’t make anyone a father. So I don’t know why I’m holding on to hope that Jax will suddenly sprout feelings for me or this child.
Glancing up at Luke across from me, I can’t fight the feeling that he’s angry. I don’t know what I did or what he has to be angry about, but all I know is that when we get home, he will want to punish me for it.
And I can’t wait.
When I park the car in the garage, Sadie and I sit in silence before either of us moves. I don’t want to talk about it, and I don’t want to try to understand what any of this means.
With Sadie, we don’t ever need to talk about it. She feels it, too.