Page 60 of The Heartbreaker
“You made plans to have dinner with me, and then right in front of me, you agreed to go with her!”
Letting out a laugh, he shakes his head at me. “Miss Green, are you jealous?”
“No, I’m not fucking jealous of you and your boring friends, but when you make plans with someone, it’s rude to make plans with someone else.”
His smile won’t fade, and it’s grating on my nerves. Letting out a huff of frustration, I climb off my bed and try to move past him in the doorway.
Of course, he doesn’t let me. Blocking my path, he mocks me with his grin. “I had no intention of meeting them for dinner. That’s why I said I’d meet them there.”
“Bullshit,” I snap.
“It’s true.”
“You’re an idiot if you pass up the opportunity to hook up with her,” I say, making my skin grow even hotter with anger and jealousy. Luke is standing just a few inches from me, and the intensity of his gaze is making me even hotter.
“I never had the opportunity to hook up with her,” he says calmly.
Now, it’s my turn to laugh. “Well, you’re blind then because she couldn’t stop touching you.”
“Oh…” he says with a knowing smile. “That’s what this is about.”
I shove him to try and get past him without facing this conversation, but he doesn’t budge. “You really are jealous.”
“Fuck you,” I mutter. Every time I try to move past him, he steps in my way, and the closer we get, the more I forget what this fight is about.
“Let me remind you that you were the one who told me to hook up with her in the first place.”
“I don’t care what you do,” I lie.
His hand shoots out, holding the doorframe to keep me in the room. Suddenly, we’re so close that I can feel his breath and smell his cologne. When our eyes meet, they burn with something I don’t recognize. None of this is like it used to be. Usually, I’d argue, and he’d punish me, and that would be it. So why isn’t he spanking me already?
“For what it’s worth, Miss Green, if that woman did give me the opportunity, I wouldn’t take it.”
“Why not?” I breathe, staring into his eyes.
Seconds tick by as I wait for his answer, but it’s as if he’s struggling to voice what’s on his mind. But his gaze never wavers from mine. And just when I see his lips part, and I’m ready for his answer, the doorbell rings.
Pizza has diffused the situation, but for the first time, I don’t know if I wanted it to be diffused at all. I liked seeing Sadie jealous. I had no idea she would feel that way. She was the one who pushed me to ask Dr. Hanson out in the first place.
Of course, I never did. I have no desire to screw another woman, but I certainly can’t screw Sadie either. We don’t need that complication right now. We already behave like a couple—we eat together, live together, study together, and hang out together. If we added sex to that dynamic, it would make it impossible to walk away when the time comes.
It was fun to watch her get all flustered over Dr. Hanson, though.
After our pizza, we both sit in the living room while the music plays on the record player, and Sadie finishes her paper. Neither of us broaches the subject again, although we both know we left it unfinished.
We veered a little too close to that line before the doorbell rang. I’m afraid of what I was about to say. But we can’t go back there.
My gaze finds her over the book in my hands. She’s curled up on the floor between the couch and the coffee table. She’s resting her forearm on the table with her chin perched on her fist, her attention lost to the essay on her laptop. The essay, I have no doubt, will be stellar and brilliant.
Her long red hair is draped down her back in natural waves, and her black knit sweater is hanging off her shoulder to reveal the freckles that dance their way down her arm.
In my fantasies, I imagine losing myself in her body. Finding all the ways to show her pleasure. Kissing every inch of her flawless, soft skin. I’ve made no attempt to deny myself those fantasies since that night when I felt the heaven hiding between her legs.
Her gaze drifts toward mine, and I flinch as if she’s caught me in the act.