Page 29 of The Heartbreaker
“Because I’m too old to live at home,” I reply. “And I found a great place to rent near work. The guy who owns it is going on some work trip to England, so I’ll practically have the place to myself.”
Jonah rolls his eyes and makes a waving motion as if to blow me off. I pick up a dirty sock and toss it at him as he tries to walk away. He flips me off before laughing and jogging down the hallway toward the kitchen.
“He’ll be all right,” my mom says once he’s gone.
“I know he will,” I say without looking her in the eyes.
“I was starting to think he was going to move out before you,” she says with a laugh.
“Very funny,” I reply, rolling my eyes. I slam the box down with a huff. “Well, you’re in luck now because I’ll be out of your hair, and you and Dad can focus on Jonah and all of his accomplishments.”
“Now, don’t be like that,” my mom replies with a tsk.
“It’s fine,” I argue, starting another box, this time throwing things I need like my laptop and chargers in. “I’ve been a mooch for long enough. I should have moved out years ago, and you’re right. I’m sure Jonah will be out the door the day after he graduates, probably with some sports scholarship at an Ivy League school, and I’ll be working in some shitty nightclub.”
I feel her approach, putting her arms around me from behind. “Stop pouting. We’re proud of both of our kids.”
“Sure,” I groan.
My mom doesn’t stick around to argue, and I know I am just being whiny and overdramatic, but it’s hard not to feel the sting of her little comments.
I will show them how capable I am. I’m going to move out and get my life together and somehow figure out how to do all of that with a kid on the way.
My toiletry bag lands with a thunk at the bottom of the box, and I freeze as that thought washes over me—a kid.
God, what am I doing? Am I making a mistake?
I’m not a mother. I don’t know the first thing about raising a child, and for some reason, just because some guy I barely know didn’t wrap his dick, I think I’m ready to bring one into the world and raise it alone.
Before my thoughts can spiral, I close my eyes and hear Luke’s calming tone in my head.
No buts. If that’s what you want, then that’s the right answer. You’ll figure the rest out.
God, I hope he’s right.
I manage to fit everything I need into three boxes. I cram them into the back of my Civic and hug my parents and brother goodbye. And that’s it.
I drive away from the safety net of my childhood house and straight over to Luke’s house. I mean, it’s not like I’m going far. And I promised to come back once a week to check in, but as far as sprouting wings and leaving the nest goes, this is nothing more than a gentle shove without a big drop.
As I pull into the spot he told me to park in, I take a deep breath and ask myself if this is crazy. Am I moving too fast? Should I have given this some more thought? Weighed the pros and cons? Taken at least two or three days to decide?
Would it have made a difference?
Because I’m not only moving in with him. I’m basically handing my life over to him. I’m allowing him full control. He’s going to tell me what to do, and I’m going to hate it. But it’s what I need. Isn’t it?
It’s not like I’m naive to the benefits of a full-time Dom/sub dynamic, but it doesn’t matter because we’re not ready for that yet. There needs to be so much more trust between us before we go that far. And, as far as I know, Lucas doesn’t know a thing about the full-time lifestyle. No matter how much I can see it intrigues him.
What if I get my life together, and it makes Jax look at me as more than just a quick fuck? What if he sees how good we’d be together and things actually work out between us?
One happy little family.
I just have to get through the rest of the semester with Dr. Control Issues, and everything will be fine.
Leaving the boxes in the trunk, I climb out of the car and head up to Luke’s house. I knock on the door and a moment later, he answers. Like last night, he’s in more casual attire—light jeans and a flannel button-down. It’s annoying how handsome he is. Like, he’s too much of a dickhead to be so hot. Too uptight. Too rude and selfish. Hotness should really be reserved for guys with fun personalities and laid-back attitudes.
“Come in, Miss Green,” he says, opening the door for me.
“I left my boxes in the car,” I reply.