Page 141 of The Heartbreaker
Then, out of nowhere, Henry’s lips tug upward at the corners, and I stare in shock as he smiles gently up at me. His first smile.
Tears prick my eyes as I gape at him with so much love in my heart I swear it’s about to burst.
“He likes poetry,” Sadie mumbles softly from across the room.
“He just smiled at me,” I reply with tears in my eyes.
“Read us some more,” she says sleepily as she closes her eyes again.
Reaching over to the table next to my chair, I pick up the book of poems I bought for Sadie just a few months ago. I read each one out loud to Henry until he falls asleep in my arms.
The moment screams with significance. I could have missed this, and for what? Like the poem said, the loss of my previous life was no loss at all when I look at what I’ve gained.
I pushed away love for so long out of fear, and that fear almost cost me this. All because my own father shattered my heart into pieces.
But these two people, my new family, have somehow found a way to put it back together again.
Sadie’s Epilogue
About a year later
“I’ve been naughty,” I whisper to Lucas as I step behind him. His face stretches with a grin, but he won’t turn around to look at me.
“You’re always naughty, Miss Green,” he mutters as he looks upward.
“Not Miss Green for long,” I whisper as I trail my fingers up the back of his neck.
“And it’s bad luck for me to see you before the wedding.”
“Since when are you a superstitious man?” I ask, winding my arms around his body to stroke my hands over his chest.
“Since I have so much on the line,” he replies, gripping my hand in his and kissing my knuckles.
“Come on. We have thirty minutes to kill. My mom has Henry,” I plead.
“What do you want, little devil?” he asks, and I feel his resolve fading.
Lifting up to my tiptoes, I whisper into his ear, “I want you to fuck me one more time before I’m your wife.”
He lets out a growl before finally giving in. “You tempting little brat.”
I giggle quietly as he turns toward me and pauses for a moment, taking in the sight of me with my hair and makeup done in a long white gown with lace over my freckled chest and shoulders.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Sadie,” he mumbles with his mouth hanging open.
“You like it?” I ask with feigned innocence.
“Like it?” He scrubs a hand over his jaw before backing me up to a bookshelf and looking at the door to make sure it’s locked. “It’s a good thing you showed me now, or I would have tried to fuck you in front of our friends and family.”
His mouth attacks my neck, sucking and kissing me ravenously. Pulling up my dress, he runs his hands along my thighs and lets out another growl.
Having my body back to just being mine again has been so nice. I can finally seduce my soon-to-be husband without a giant belly in the way. He adores every single inch, no matter the stretch marks or scars. He loves me in every shape and size.
But more importantly, I love myself. This body gave me Henry. For nearly a year, it continued to feed Henry. I have never been more in love with my own flesh and bones just the way they are.
And right now, it’s a vessel for pleasure. Luke reaches the apex of my thighs to find that I’m not wearing any underwear and he moans loudly against my neck.
“Get up here,” he mutters as he lifts me onto the low table. “You locked the door?” he asks as he unbuckles his own belt.