Page 137 of The Heartbreaker
And I almost missed this. By some miracle from God, I didn’t.
Ipeel my eyes open to a dark room and slivers of light peering through the edges of the curtains. My body feels like I’ve been run over by a truck, and I’m too afraid to move.
I turn my head to see someone standing near the window, staring down and swaying softly from side to side.
“Luke,” I whisper, and he turns toward me. Henry is bundled up and sleeping in his arms.
I lift my arms toward him, desperate to finally hold my baby. Luke walks toward me and gently places Henry in my arms.
I’ve never seen anything so perfect in my entire life. Perfect. From me.
My heart expands so quickly in my chest—it’s incredible. It swells and pulses and grows so large that it’s almost hard to breathe.
There is no question of how I can love someone so immensely so quickly—I just do. I place a kiss on his forehead and breathe in the strange but familiar scent of him. It’s like a drug. So I do it again.
Lucas perches himself on the side of my bed and puts an arm around my back. “You did it, Sadie,” he whispers. “Isn’t he amazing?”
“He’s so amazing,” I say, tears brimming in my eyes. “But is it bad if I say yesterday was terrible?”
Luke smiles. “Not even a little bit.”
The trauma of that day feels like it’s rewritten the chemistry in my brain. It was painful and long and terrifying and I never, ever want to relive anything like it. Even if this wonderful person is worth every single second.
Through all of it, Lucas was by my side. It was a true testament to his loyalty. If I ever doubted that I was a priority to him, yesterday proved it. Lucas would walk through the fires of hell for us, and he wouldn’t regret it for a second.
Resting my head against Lucas, I smile. “Thanks for being there. I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there.”
“Of course, I was going to be there, Sadie. I promised you that I’d never leave your side. And I meant it.”
I look up at him, somehow loving him even more now. “And you love him…right?”
His brows pinch together as he lowers himself until he’s lying next to me, gently touching Henry’s head.
“I love him so much it feels impossible.” Then he gently touches his forehead to mine. “You’re mine, so he’s mine, remember?”
I blink a tear out of my eye and it streams down my cheek. “I remember.”
We lie there for a moment before one of the nurses comes in to check my stitches and take my vitals. She encourages me to try and feed Henry and like a little champ, he figures it out immediately. It feels like needles being sucked through my nipples, but watching him eat is worth it. So glad no one warned me about that.
“What about my mom and Jax and everyone? Have you called them?” I ask.
“I did. Your mom and dad are on their way. My family will probably be here later. And…no answer from Jax yet,” he says as he gently strokes Henry’s head.
Looking down at the baby in my arms, I try to imagine what it will be like when or if Jax shows up. Will Lucas be angry? Will there be tension?
I glance up at him to see how he’s feeling about that, but I laugh to myself instead. He looks like a mess. His hair is disheveled, and there are deep bags under his eyes like he hasn’t slept in days.
“Do you want to go get some sleep? I’ll be fine here.”
“Nah,” he says, sinking deeper into the bed at my side. “I’m going to stay right here.”
My parents show up about an hour later. They coo and fawn over Henry. When my brother walks in and sees the name scrawled across the top of the bassinet, he starts to cry.
Henry Jonah Green