Page 66 of Fight for You
When Jana gets home an hour later, she's just as excited as January said she would be. The two of them disappear into the kitchen to cook January's favorite foods. Jana doesn't even ask if I'm staying. She already knows I'm not going to pass up her cooking. She's not home to do it much, but she is an incredible cook.
"I'll be right back," I tell January, following her into the kitchen to kiss her on the cheek. "I've gotta run an errand."
"You want me to come with you?"
"No, baby girl. Stay and help your mom. I'll be back soon," I promise, brushing my lips across her forehead.
"Okay." She smiles up at me.
I tug on a strand of her hair, grin at Jana, and then head outside. Titan left fifteen minutes before Jana got home, but there aren't too many places he'd be going. He's a creature of habit, preferring to stick close to home, to places he knows and places that know him. In neighborhoods like ours, you learn pretty quickly that wandering too far has repercussions. Kaleo's gang isn't the only crew working South Central. Not even close. His is the closest to our block but not the most dangerous by any means.
I hop in my car and start driving around to all the places Titan could be hiding out. My stomach sinks when I see that someone from our crew spray-painted Kratos, a Greek word for strength, across a street sign at the end of the block, claiming this territory as ours. Seeing it there has me clenching my jaw as anger courses through me. We don't deface or vandalize our property to declare it ours. This area is ours to protect, not to destroy.
Whoever did it will be cleaning that shit up as soon as I find out who it was.
It takes half an hour to check all of Titan's usual haunts, but he's nowhere to be found.
Concern whispers through me.
What is he doing?
I grit my teeth and start toward Kaleo's territory, ice growing in my veins the closer I get. I tell myself over and over there's no way he'd be over here. He hates Kaleo as much as I do.
"Fuck me," I whisper when I get to Kaleo's see Titan's bike parked out front. I pound my fist on the steering wheel, equal parts pissed off and disappointed. My best friend is running around with Curtis Kaleo.
That's why the son of a bitch hasn't retaliated. Titan sold himself to the bastard to keep him away from me and January.
Why didn't I see it before now?
Titan's been distant and moody. He's rarely ever home. When he is, he'll barely acknowledge me or January. He damn sure doesn't tell us what he's doing these days or who he's with when he does it. Even when I ask outright what's going on, he tells me that he's handling it and to worry about January.
He didn't want me to know that he took care of the problem I created by sacrificing himself to Kaleo.
I press the palm of my hand over my heart, trying to rub away the way it aches, but it's no use. Titan's running around with the son of a bitch who made our lives miserable for years…and it's my fault. I shouldn't have gone after him when Tony attacked January. Hell, that's not even the first time I've started shit with him. I've been doing it for years, pushing his buttons to keep him off my back.
I park down the block and watch the clubhouse, my chest hurting and my throat tight.
A few minutes later, January texts me to ask where I'm at. I tell her that I'm running late, but I'll be there soon.
Fifteen minutes later, Titan and Kaleo step outside.
Titan has his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face. He looks pissed to be anywhere near the fucker who's been trying to wedge his way into our block for years. But he stands there and listens as Kaleo talks. He towers over the smaller man and could easily take him, but he doesn't even try.
Kaleo slaps him on the back a couple of minutes later. Titan stalks to his bike and hops on.
I contemplate riding away, but I can't do it. Instead, I wait until Titan pulls off, and then I follow behind him. Kaleo's already gone back inside, so I'm not worried about him seeing me riding by his place. I'm not sure I even care if he does see me.
Titan takes a left at the end of the block, headed toward the high school.
"What are you doing?" I mutter under my breath, watching as he pulls into the school parking lot and then circles around to the football field.
He parks in an empty space.
I hang back, trying to keep hidden behind a couple of cars parked beside the gym.
Titan stays on the bike. A few minutes later, a kid dressed in football gear comes jogging up. He glances around before pulling a wad of cash out of his pocket. He holds it out for Titan, who takes it and hands him a little baggie.
The kid looks at it, grins, and then waves before jogging back the way he came.