Page 18 of Predator
“What the fuck. You’re shot?” I hear him yelling at someone in the background as I stop and reach around behind me for the first-aid kit under the passenger seat. “I’m on it. Was Della hurt?”
“No.” Hissing as I put a bandage on my side and tie off my leg, my shoulder will have to wait. “They were just fucking handsy. I’m going to fucking kill a whole bunch of people over this, Mal, you better be with me.”
“When have I ever not been?” He laughs, but not humorously. “Pops has called in some favors. Johnny and Nico are en route, and once Carter is done with his bitch fit, he’ll be here too.”
“I need to know who these guys are. They were ordered not to kill me, and given my reputation, I don’t think they realize who the fuck I am.” If they did, I’d be dead. “Get Sean Smith, too. Find out if that weasel sold Della out to some shadow agency.”
“I’ll have information for when you get here.” He hangs up, and I’m left with my own thoughts. My own…inadequacies.
I fucking failed her after promising to protect her against everything.
“Della.” I whisper her name and hope to hell she can hang on for me because I’m fucking coming for her. Nothing but death would stop me from bringing her home.
The drive whips by as I take turns recklessly and break more speeding laws than the state has in place. The more I think about it, the angrier I become. I know I need to calm down so I can think clearly and rationally. My woman’s depending on me, and if I’m emotional, I won’t do her any good.
City traffic nearly breaks me as the congestion is at peak hour. When my phone rings, I’m irritated. “What?”
“Someone took my little girl, Holy.” Carter.
“I’m killing them all.”
“I know you will. What I want to know is how the fuck did it happen? And who the fuck are they?”
“I have no fucking idea, though I suspect it might be the government in some capacity or another. Anyone else would have left me for dead.” The more I repeat it, the more convinced I am that Uncle Sam has somehow found out about Della, meaning they would have needed insider information because nobody, not even Sean Smith, could confirm her abilities. “You have a mole in your house, Carter.”
I hear him suck in a sharp breath. “How can you be sure?”
“Because there’s no one else who could have suspected what she’s capable of. Sure, Sean had an inkling of an idea, but nothing was ever confirmed. Who in your house knows what she can do?”
“I’ll figure it out.” I’m hung up on again and left to my own misery as I finally pull in front of the house I grew up in.
No, I’m about to plan a war I can’t lose.
I’ve heard of sensory deprivation before, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I’d experience it. I’ve been strapped to a chair, hands bound behind my back, ankles tied to the legs of the chair, and a bag over my head.
It feels like I’ve been here for weeks when I know it’s only been hours. I don’t know what they plan to do with me, but it can’t be anything good. They haven’t said anything since taking me so violently from Holy. I don’t even know if he’s alive after all the shots I heard as I was being thrown into their vehicle.
I’m lost in a world I don’t understand, and I have nothing but the gifts I was born with. Only they aren’t doing me any good right now because nobody is around, and with how terrified I am, I’m unsure if they’d be any help right now anyway.
Panic encroaches the longer I sit here, and I know if I don’t do something, I’ll pass out and be completely at their mercy. Closing my eyes, even though I can’t see, I picture Holy. Wrapped in his arms is the only time I’ve ever felt truly safe in my life.
In my mind, we’re back in the cabin, lying in bed after making love, and he’s lightly drawing on my flesh with the tip of his finger, telling me all about what our life will be like when we get back to the city. Together, we’re laughing and teasing each other, and I feel the warmth of his love for me like never before.
Being connected to Holy on such an elemental level is the happiest I’ve ever been, and I want so many more years of that.
“Holy,” I whisper his name out loud. Somewhere in my brain, I imagine him able to hear me. “Please find me. Bring me home.” It’s the only thing I want. To be his. By his side until the day we die.
Discerning a noise from behind, I’m brought back to reality, and my chest tightens again. As someone enters the room, the sinister force in their aura overtakes me. They don’t care about me, what I’ve been through, or what will happen to me.
I’m nothing to these people. A nobody.
Unless I can give them what they want…and I refuse to do so.
The familiarity of the hatred and evilness exuding from him makes me wonder…Was it him for all those months watching me? Was my father and Holy wrong about it being Sean Smith? Oh god.