Page 77 of God Of Vengeance
With his face pressed to the back of my neck, his breaths warm my skin. One of his legs is thrown over mine, and his manhood is hard and big against my butt.
I had sex with Damiano.
After the first memory hits, they all pour into my mind.
The shooting lessons.
Damiano hugging me.
The nightmare, and him comforting me.
Experiencing my first orgasm.
My thoughts stop on the memory, and my lips curve up.
When Damiano kept rubbing his cock against me, it made me feel so much pleasure it was overwhelming.
I remember everything when he took my virginity. The look on his face. The way his body moved. The pain as he kept thrusting until he found his own pleasure in my body.
Even though it hurt a lot, I’d do it a million times to see that hot look on his face as he orgasms. To feel his weight bear down on me.
For a couple of seconds, I was stronger than him.
Damiano’s arms tighten more around me, and it makes my stomach flutter.
Suddenly, he yanks away from me. Within a couple of seconds, his hand grips my neck, I’m flat on my back, and once again, I have a gun pressed to my forehead.
As I gasp, his eyes focus on my face, then letting go of my neck, he sags back while exhaling a harsh breath.
“Fuck,” he mutters while putting the safety back on his gun. “I’m sorry.”
Lying still, I just stare at him, wondering why he reacted that way.
“This is new to me,” he explains.
“What?” I whisper.
“Waking up next to a woman.” His eyes find mine. “I’m used to sleeping alone.”
My eyebrows fly up. “You’ve never slept next to a woman before?”
He shakes his head, and lying back down, he lets out a deep sigh.
Knowing I’m the first woman to sleep in his bed, a smile spreads over my face.
I turn my head, and when my eyes land on the clock on the bedside table, I notice it’s already past ten in the morning. I dart up off the bed and hurry into Damiano’s closet to grab the first shirt I see.
I hope Martha hasn’t been to my bedroom yet.
“What are you doing?” he asks.
“I need to get rid of the bedding and clean up the blood,” I say as I drag the shirt over my head.
“I already took care of it,” he mutters.
Surprised out of my mind, I stop to blink at him. “You cleaned my room?”