Page 43 of God Of Vengeance
I shake Renzo’s hand before we walk into the restaurant.
“Damiano tells me you’ve finally found the one,” she mentions while Renzo leads us to a private room.
“Yes. You’ll meet Skylar today,” he replies. His eyes touch on me, then he says, “You just missed Dario. He was here with a date.”
“Oh?” Mamma’s eyebrow lifts. “He’s seeing someone?”
“Yep, we’re all falling, one by one.”
Christ, now that’s all my mother’s going to talk about during dinner.
We walk into a private room, and I pull out a chair before helping Mamma to sit.
Unbuttoning my jacket, I glance at Renzo. “Are you serving us?”
“You wish,” he chuckles. “Brianna will be with you shortly.”
I nod as I take a seat.
“Enjoy the meal,” my friend says before he leaves us alone.
Knowing my mother would want to know, I say, “We’re in a private room. The walls are decorated with bamboo, and there are lanterns. It feels quite intimate.”
“Mhh…” A smile curves her lips while her hands carefully explore the set table to check where everything is.
“Thank you for bringing me,” she says.
“You’re welcome,” I murmur, my eyes drifting over her face.
Even though she’s fifty-seven, her looks are so youthful she could pass for my older sister.
My gaze locks on the scar on her temple, and anger sparks in my chest.
My parents got married when she was eighteen. It was against her will, and she suffered for nineteen years before I was able to end the abuse.
Since then, any kind of violence has been a trigger for her.
I try to keep her life as calm as possible, but Saturday was out of my control, and I hope it didn’t take a toll on her.
“How are you, Mamma?” I ask.
A frown forms on her forehead. “You know I’m doing well. Why do you ask?”
“Just checking. It’s my job to make sure you’re happy.”
“I am,” she assures me. Her smile widens, then she says, “So … Dario’s seeing someone.”
“I heard,” I mutter, knowing exactly how the conversation will play out.
She raises an eyebrow. “You’re the only single capo left.”
“I’m well aware of the fact,” I mutter.
“Are you going to consider marrying Gabriella?”
I let out a sigh, but before I can reply, the waitress comes in.
She gives us a rundown of the specials and after taking our drink orders, she leaves the room.