Page 139 of God Of Vengeance
Dressed in her sleepwear, Gabriella looks at me with sadness furrowing her brows. “How did Martha die?”
“She was buried beneath the rubble,” I murmur.
She shakes her head, sucking in a quivering breath. “What will you do with Stefano?”
My eyes meet hers, and not sugarcoating the words, I say, “I’m going to electrocute him until he begs for death, then I’ll feed him to the rats.”
Gabriella nods, and stepping closer to me, she wraps her arms around my waist. “Thank you for finding me in time.”
“Always, amore mia.”
Chapter 42
After leaving Gabriella in Mamma and Vito’s care, Emilio drives Carlo and me to the warehouse.
Yesterday was a quiet day for us. Once we all got some sleep, Emilio ordered food for everyone. There wasn’t much talking being done, because we were all processing the shitstorm we just went through.
But as I’m on my way to the warehouse, my thoughts are focused on what lies ahead.
Vengeance burns in my chest, an incessant inferno that can only be extinguished with blood.
A fuck ton of blood.
Today, everyone who’s hurt me and mine will die. Everyone but Stefano. He will suffer a million times more than Gabriella did before he meets his gruesome end.
After the SUV pulls up to the warehouse, I shove the door open and climb out.
Dressed in a suit, I adjust my jacket before I walk to the side entrance while pulling my phone out to call Tommy.
“Yes, boss?” he answers on the second ring.
“Bring them.”
“Be there in ten minutes.”
When I enter the building, I head to the room where Stefano is being held. The moment I walk inside, one of my men slaps Stefano. “Wake up.”
The fucker lifts his head.
“I told you you were stupid,” I mutter. “How long have you been planning to overthrow me?”
“Since you took the seat,” he grumbles. “I’ve been saving money for nineteen years to afford an army.”
“And look what all that saving bought you,” I mock him. “Before I get started with you, Carlo has a gift he’d like to share with you.” I check the time. “In give or take five minutes.”
I glance at Emilio. “Strip the fucker and put on the belt.”
While the men get to work, ridding Stefano of his clothes and wrapping the stun belt around his waist, I watch.
Emilio pushes a control into Stefano’s hand, then I say, “Every time you want a drink of water, something to eat, or even a piss break, press the button.”
“What happens if I press it?” Stefano asks.
I nod at Emilio, who presses the button, and the next second, Sefano’s ass lifts off the chair he’s tied to as the electric current shoots through him.
He slumps back against the chair, completely breathless from the shock.