Page 90 of Iron Rations
I could smack him for his brazen tone. Who did he think he was? We weren’t a couple, and even if we were, I wasn’t about to let him stay with me everywhere I went. A girl needed her space.
“Actually, we will take one room. But we’ll only need one card.” I gave a tight smile, refusing to look at Nicholas any longer.
He slid his arms around my waist, his hands trailing down my front to some very inappropriate places. “Nice try. I know what you’re doing.”
“Really? And what’s that?”
“You think you can lock me out? Not gonna happen.”
“The only way you’re getting me in bed is if you handcuff me and drag me there.”
“That can be arranged.”
The clerk turned bright red as she studiously avoided our gazes, paying attention only to the computer and getting us checked in as quickly as possible. I couldn’t blame her. I wanted us away from her too. I wanted Nicholas in my bed and pinning me to the mattress, but he was too intense, too smothering. The last thing I needed was for him to turn into another Nolan, infatuated with me and unable to live life if I wasn’t right beside him.
“Here you go. Room for two. One card.”
“We’ll need a second,” Nicholas grinned.
Her eyes flicked to mine, but only for a second. She slid the keycard into the machine and quickly handed it over.
“What about payment?” I asked.
She flushed a deeper red, shaking her head. “Right, I’m sorry. I was?—”
“Distracted by hotel guests saying inappropriate things in front of you?” I asked.
That only made things worse. She hurried through the process of getting my card on file, printed out my reservation, and quickly looked behind me for the next in line.
As I turned to leave, Ivan raised his eyebrows at me. And I could have sworn he mouthed the name Katerina. I was not his ex. I wasn’t using Nicholas like that woman used him. But as I walked away and Nicholas slid his arm around my waist, I wondered if that was entirely true.
Yes, I had tried to push this man away, but he just wouldn’t give up. There had to be some kind of barrier I could put up that would keep him from burrowing so deep inside my soul.
The elevator dinged and we stepped inside. As the doors closed, it felt like some kind of death sentence—that there was no going back from here. How could that be? I hadn’t signed up for any of this. Hell, we would have never met if I hadn’t taken that job for Rafe. This was all his fault, and I was going to make him pay the next time I saw him.
“I’ll take that,” Nicholas whispered, plucking the card out of my hand.
I hadn’t even realized I’d spaced out until he opened the door and practically shoved me inside. My bag was tossed haphazardly on the luggage rack and he was backing me up to the bed. This had to stop.
“Don’t you think we should talk first?”
“Talking’s overrated,” he murmured against my lips.
He towered over me, bending me backward until I fell onto the bed and he flopped on top of me, but not landing on me. I was boxed in with nowhere to go. If I let him do this again, there would be no way out. Damnit, this was not supposed to happen! Yes, he was sexy and amazing in bed, but that did not mean I could let a man like him take over my life without my approval!
“I have my period,” I tried.
“I don’t give a fuck.”
His hands pulled at my clothes, making it impossible for me to think clearly.
“Did I tell you I’m a lesbian?”
He chuckled, not stopping. My shirt was off first, and then he was working on my pants. “Maybe we’ll invite one in some time.”
Dammit, men were turned on by two women making out. There had to be something—anything to get him to stop! Granny panties, toenail fungus, hemorrhoids?—
And then I got it. “I would love to meet your mother.” He stopped instantly, his lips hovering just inches from my pussy.