Page 77 of Iron Rations
“I think that’s why he keeps chasing her.”
Fox grinned. “Well, he always did want the unattainable. Shall we go?”
“What about Rae?”
“She’s dealing with the manager. She’ll find us.”
I really didn’t want to, but I followed Fox into the forest, getting scratched by branches and eaten by bugs. Of all the ways to escape, I knew exactly why she took this route. No one in their right mind would want to follow her. I kept swatting at the mosquitos and cringed a few times when I walked through spiderwebs. This just wasn’t cool.
“You know what this reminds me of?”
“Some musical?” I muttered.
“No, silly. Not everything is about musicals.”
“Could have fooled me.”
“No, it reminds me of the day I got my Mojo back. Do you remember that?”
“You mean the day you brutally murdered a rapist? Yes, I remember.”
“Those were good times,” he sighed. “Hey, what do you think the chances are that I’ll get to do that again?”
“Kill a rapist? I’m sure it’ll happen at some point in your life.”
“Man, if only that would happen right now. I could use a little torture in my life.”
“You could always use torture in your life,” I reminded him.
Thankfully, after that, he started singing show tunes as we walked through the forest. We finally came upon Nicholas standing over three dead bodies. The blood was already congealed. He hadn’t been the one to take these lives.
“By the looks of it,” he muttered.
“Which leaves us where?”
“At a dead end.”
“Well, she probably kept going that way.”
“I already looked. There was probably a car parked there, but no other clues.”
“Hey, you found her last time. It’ll be okay.”
He spun on me, anger flashing in his eyes. “Okay? She’s got a price on her head just for holding onto those eggs. If she turns them over, she’s dead. If she doesn’t, she’ll be on the run until the mob catches up with her. What part of this is okay?”
I shifted awkwardly. “Uh…I was just trying to cheer you up. Did you want actual answers?”
He shoved past me, ramming his shoulder into mine.
“Geez, everyone’s touchy.”
Hours passed with only ramblings from Nicholas about how he should have been watching her more carefully.
“You’ve got to chill out,” Rae said, having had enough. “She’s resourceful. You’re acting like she won’t make it out of this alive.”
“She might not,” he cursed. “This is the Russians.”