Page 69 of Iron Rations
“I don’t give a fuck what it is. The world could be ending and I’d still tell you to get the fuck out.”
“It’s funny you should?—”
Gunfire tore through the walls of the motel room. Glass shattered, and even from the bathroom, I could hear the destruction being caused on the other side of the wall. A bullet tore through the mirror above the sink, lodging in the opposite wall. My eyes widened as I grabbed Raven and shoved her to the floor of the tub.
“Down!” I shouted at FNG.
It all happened in slow motion. Machine gun fire ripped the room apart. I could faintly hear Rae and Fox yelling somewhere, but I had no idea where they were over the repeated rat-tat-tat of the guns. I yanked the curtain from the hooks, wrapping it around Raven.
“Really?” she glared at me.
“There’s no way he’s seeing your pussy!”
FNG was already crawling into the other room. I quickly followed, unable to believe the destruction when I saw it. Pieces of fabric and bedding floated around the room as the assault continued. Splinters of wood flew through the air and the door fell off the hinges as the large holes eventually left little to hold it up with.
“Stay there!” I ordered Raven.
I grabbed her bag and my jeans, hoping to get out of here alive. A bullet skimmed over my shoulder and I dropped to the ground, avoiding any further injury.
“I got this!” FNG said maniacally.
“Don’t worry! I can’t die!”
I watched as he crawled to the front door, then jumped to his feet and ran straight at the men in tanks.
Fucking tanks.
I army crawled back to the bathroom, tossing Raven her bag. She caught it and quickly pulled on a shirt and pair of jeans. As fast as possible, I dressed and popped open the window above the toilet.
“Let’s move!”
“You’ll never fit through that,” she snapped.
I grabbed her by the arm and hoisted her up, forcing her to go through the window. Once she dropped down to the other side, I quickly moved back into the room. The gunfire had spread to other parts of the motel. Grabbing my gun, I headed for what was left of the door and peeked outside. FNG was sneaking up on them from behind. How he got there, I didn’t know. I methodically started taking out targets one by one.
“Nick?” Rae shouted. “Is that you?”
“Yeah. How many are there?”
“Hard to say. At least twenty.”
I swore under my breath. We needed a fucking plan. “Where’s Fox?”
“Where do you think?”
I scanned the battlefield that was the parking lot. He was dancing across the parking lot, ducking behind cars as he threw his knives. A knife flew through the air, lodging in the throat of the man on the guns. I watched as he fell to the side of the hatch, then was pulled inside. I took the opportunity to dash across the parking lot, joining FNG as he fired off several rounds as he jumped on top of a car.
The machine gun on one of the tanks turned to face Rae. Without thinking, I jumped onto the tank and opened the hatch, firing inside until my magazine was empty. I ejected the empty and slid another in place, but I wasn’t fast enough. One of the men inside grabbed me by the shirt, dragging me inside. I yelped as I fell to the floor. A gun was shoved in my face as he shouted in Russian.
I had no fucking clue what he was saying. I slammed my foot into his leg, catching him off guard. As he wobbled, I grabbed a gun lying just feet from me on the floor and fired three shots into him. He collapsed against the side of the tank with blood oozing from his chest.
Jumping to my feet, I climbed back through the hatch and got on the machine guns, spinning to face the wave of men running toward the motel from the road. I unleashed the power of the weapon on them, my body vibrating as the gun fired repeatedly.
A single shot was fired and then it fell silent. I slowly turned, coughing as I waved smoke from my face. Rae stepped out of the motel room, her weapon still firm in her grip. FNG popped up from the other tank and Fox flipped a knife in his hand as he waited for someone else to come at him.
Rae glared at me as she walked up to the tank. “Do you think maybe you should have let me interrupt your shower?”