Page 67 of Iron Rations
“It’s a danger zone.”
“There are no bombs in there. I have no weapons.” Her lips twitched as she looked at me. “You removed those last night.”
My cock twitched at the memory of ripping off her clothes, but I didn’t say anything. Come to think of it, I didn’t remember actually seeing any weapons. They were probably scattered around the floor.
I cleared my throat, getting back to the subject at hand. “The point is, men don’t ever go in a woman’s purse. That’s a space that’s reserved for you and only you.”
“I don’t have any tampons in there.”
I slapped my hands over my ears, not wanting to hear what she had to say. But instead of talking, she upended the whole purse, dumping the contents on the bed. Fox and I stared at the mess in horror.
“Look, I have my wallet, some change…oh, these are my earbuds. A rock from the last state park I went to.”
“That’s illegal,” Fox pointed out.
“Some gum. Breath mints…Oh, my birth control.”
“What…” I grimaced as I looked closer at the thing in the container. “What is that?”
“This?” she picked it up, smirking at me. “This is the tooth of the last man I killed.”
“You kept his tooth?”
She rolled her eyes at me. “It’s a tooth from when I was a kid. The tooth fairy never showed up.”
“So, you kept it for all these years?”
“Well, I didn’t find a good place to dispose of it.”
“How about the garbage?” I muttered.
She gasped, looking at me in shock. “You would have me throw this away?”
“What do you think other people do?”
“Put them in a scrapbook?”
“I’m pretty sure my parents don’t have a scrapbook of my teeth.”
“Have you ever asked them?”
I thought about it, then shook my head slowly. “Surprisingly, that’s not something I ever thought about.”
“It’s a good idea, though,” Fox nodded. “You know what it would be great for?”
“Fox, I’m not giving you a copy of my dentals.”
His shoulders slumped as he sank into a chair. “You know, you’re making this whole process very difficult. I guess if you ever get kidnapped, I’ll just have to track you down, pull your teeth, and then make a mold for myself.”
“Or you could rescue me.”
He rolled his eyes. “Sure, if you think that would be better.”
I’d had enough of this morning bullshit. I hadn’t been inside Raven in two hours, and not even coffee would sustain me. “Are we done here?”
“Done with what?” he asked, his face showing not even a hint of understanding. I had to hand it to him, he was good. Fox had the special talent of making everyone think he had no clue what was going on when it served his purpose. And right now, he was fucking with my head.
“Get the fuck out.”