Page 56 of Iron Rations
“Are you sure you want a cattle ranch?”
“Think about it,” Fox said thoughtfully. “What if we raised guinea pigs?”
“Guinea pigs,” I repeated.
“Yep, you know, for bacon.”
“Guinea pigs are small.”
“Yeah, but maybe it’s like deer. You know, a different flavor.”
“Isn’t a guinea pig like a giant hamster?” FNG asked.
“I’m not raising Guinea Pigs.”
“Alright, then chickens. Ooh, and roosters! I’ve always wanted a cock to crow at dawn.”
“Why?” FNG asked stupidly.
“The cock crows at dawn and then my cock crows at dawn,” Fox grinned. “Did you see what I did there?”
“Fox, we all saw what you did there,” I sighed.
“Because the cock is the rooster. And my cock would be my penis.”
“Yeah, we got it,” I snapped.
“I was just explaining. FNG didn’t seem to get it.”
“I got it. I was just sorry I asked.”
The door swung open and Henry waltzed in, glancing at all of us curiously. This would really be the best time to let him know I wasn’t with Fox. He was bound to screw this up before I had a chance to get us out of the clusterfuck we were in.
And it was all thanks to Raven.
“Gentlemen,” Henry nodded, then turned to Rae. “Ma’am.”
She hid a laugh behind a cough. “You can call me Rae.”
“Yes,” Henry said, almost in disgust. “Well, I would love to hear about how you knew I was going to be robbed and failed to mention it to my security team.”
“We weren’t sure it was going to happen. We suspected,” I hedged.
“And you said nothing.”
“We didn’t have a name,” I continued. “And we didn’t know the target. There were rumors that someone would try to steal something, but we really had no intel.”
“And yet, as I already pointed out, you said nothing.”
Yeah, this was going to take a little finagling. “Sir, if we had come to you and said we suspected someone was going to rob you, but we didn’t know who it would be, what they were stealing, or if it would even happen tonight, what would your reaction have been?”
He stared at me for a moment before a slight huff of laughter slipped from his lips. “True, true,” he said, taking a seat behind his desk. “So, you know the woman in question.”
“Yes, but she had an accomplice.”
“And you didn’t apprehend either of them,” he said. I could hear the disrespect in his tone. He couldn’t believe we hadn’t caught either of them.