Page 49 of Iron Rations
I washed my hands and grabbed a paper towel, immediately straightening the stack. After wiping the droplets of water from the sink, I tossed the paper towel in the garbage and looked at myself one last time. I took a deep breath and reminded myself what I was here for. Nicholas was a distraction.
A very dangerous distraction.
I couldn’t allow myself to be swayed by him when I had bigger things to consider. I headed for the door, yanking it open, only to have Snatch grab me by the hand and guide me further down the hall.
“What are you doing?” he hissed.
“Blending in.”
“That wasn’t blending in. You were practically fucking him on the dance floor. Everyone was staring!”
“It’ll be fine. I’m sure they’ve seen worse.”
“They’ll all remember you now,” he pointed out. “The whole idea was that we wouldn’t be memorable.”
“Like I said, it’ll be fine.”
He sighed heavily. “I got what we needed while you were distracted.” He reached into his pocket and grabbed a small slide. “This should work for the fingerprint scanner.”
“It would have been better to use a glove, but I didn’t have time for that.”
“If this doesn’t work?—”
“We walk out and come up with a new plan. We still need a drop of blood.”
“I’ll take care of that.”
The gong chimed for dinner and the butler announced we were headed to the dining room.
“Are you sure you can handle this?”
I narrowed my eyes at him. I hated to be challenged. “You hold up your end and I’ll take care of mine.”
I maneuvered my way through the crowd until I bumped accidentally into our host. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”
“Not at all,” he smiled at me. “I uh…saw your little show earlier.”
I flushed bright red, pressing my hand to my forehead in mortification. “I’m so embarrassed.”
“Don’t be,” he chuckled. He glanced around, then leaned in closer. “I admire a woman with such passion.”
“I don’t know what came over me.”
He clutched my hand, giving me the perfect opportunity to inflict some pain. I squeezed his hand in return, eliciting a yelp from him. He released my hand and stared at his hand. A small drop of blood appeared on his finger.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. That must be because of my ring. The setting is damaged. I’ve been meaning to take it in,” I rambled as I pulled a small handkerchief from my bag. I pressed it to his hand, batting my eyelashes at him. “I don’t normally draw blood.”
He watched me with wide eyes, then burst out laughing. “You are a wild thing,” he said slowly, stepping into my space.
Luckily, his wife walked up at that moment and slipped her hand through her husband’s arm. “Henry. Our other guests are waiting.” The look she shot me could have pierced my heart.
“Yes, darling.” He turned back to me with a wink. “I’ll see you on the other side.”
I smiled at him, ignoring the daggers his wife shot me. I couldn’t blame her. If a woman was hitting on my husband right in front of me, I would be tempted to do a lot more than shoot a scathing look.
As I made my way into the dining room, I worried my little performance with Nicholas would still have guests talking. Luckily, as I took my seat, no one paid me any attention. My infamy was short-lived. I smiled and chatted politely as we were served the first course. I went through the appropriate motions of nodding and smiling, but that did nothing to distract me from the fact that the man to my right had his napkin placed haphazardly on his lap.