Page 43 of Iron Rations
“They’re here to steal something.”
“Well, clearly,” she deadpanned. “Are we stopping them?”
I headed for the exit, yanking the door open. “Why would we stop them?”
“Because your girlfriend is a thief.”
“I don’t discriminate.”
“She could get in trouble.”
I stayed silent. I wasn’t interested in stopping her from doing anything. I wanted to see her in action. I already knew from our first meeting that she was fully capable of taking care of herself. But I hadn’t seen her in a setting like this. It was intriguing.
“You want her to steal whatever she’s here for,” Rae grinned. “Wow, I didn’t see that coming. I thought a man like you would want to stop her.”
I descended the stairs, making my way to my hotel room. “A man like me?”
“Former Navy SEAL. A lawman. You were a detective. How could you want her to go through with it?”
Again, I stayed quiet. Rae wouldn’t understand. She was all morally upstanding, whereas I…I didn’t mind straying from the law when it suited me. I had lines I wouldn’t cross, but like Fox, there was always a reason to work around the law. I had been on the straight and narrow during my time as a detective. But those days were over. I was trying to find out how I fit in this new life, and now that I met this woman, my mind was all fucked up and my morals were out the window.
I hadn’t even really met her yet.
I didn’t consider her kicking my ass to be a formal meeting.
Nor the time I sat across the diner from her. I gave her my napkin, but again, that didn’t count.
I slid the card through the reader and opened my door. I was able to get a room facing hers, but I didn’t have a direct line of sight into her room. I hung the tux on the door to the bathroom and stepped inside, shucking my clothes.
“Are you going to answer me?”
“Already forgot the question.”
“Why do you want her to go through with it?” she called out. I could hear her wandering around my room. “Is this some weird handcuff fantasy? You want to arrest her and have your way with her?”
I pulled the door open slightly, staring at her grinning face. “No.”
I showered quickly, but that didn’t stop Rae from interrogating me. The door was open and she shouted through it.
“Where do you see this going? Do you think she’s going to give up her ways and go straight for you?”
“I don’t think anything.”
“You have to have a plan,” she chuckled. “Nobody drives across the country to follow another person without a plan. Unless you want to kill her.” The curtain was jerked open slightly and she narrowed her eyes at me. “Is this some weird serial killer thing? Are you following her so you can kill her?”
“I’m taking a shower.”
“Answer the question.”
“I’m naked,” I pointed out. “I doubt Duke would be happy to know that you were standing there staring at me.”
“Like I haven’t seen it before. Are you going to kill her?”
“Why would I kill her?”
“Why would you follow her across the country?”
I stared at her for a moment, then figured out how to get her out of the bathroom. “Your hair is getting frizzy from the steam.”