Page 128 of Iron Rations
The gentle sway of the bed underneath me left me confused and slightly nauseous. My head pounded from whatever the hell Zavala made me take in the car. But overall, I didn’t feel half bad, considering I could be dead right now. I pushed myself into a sitting position and cursed under my breath. I was on a boat.
“I see you’re finally awake.”
Looking to my right, Zavala sat in a chair, sipping a glass of what looked like whiskey. He fit nicely on the luxurious boat. Dressed in white slacks and a white dress shirt unbuttoned at the top, he looked like he was heading out for a day of sailing. But I supposed that was the point. He didn’t want anyone to know he was a notorious drug lord. That would draw too many questions from authorities.
“Where are we?”
“On my private yacht. I think you’ll find the accommodations more than satisfactory.”
“Are we…”
“At sea? No, but we will be shortly. I hope you don’t get seasick.”
“I’ve never been on a boat.”
He stood, walked over to the bar, and poured a second drink. As he held it out to me, I hesitated. The last time I took a drink from him, I blacked out.
“This one’s not drugged.”
Grudgingly, I took the drink and downed it. My mouth was dry and tasted like cotton, but the scotch didn’t do much to rid my mouth of the foul taste.
“Why did you bring me out here?”
“Because you’re going to help me set a trap, my dear.”
“And why would I do that?”
A sly grin graced his lips. “Because you want to live.”
I did, but not at the expense of others. I may be a thief with few morals, but killing was one thing I didn’t tolerate unless it was a life or death situation. Besides, Rafe had promised to get my brother released from prison. If I turned my back on Rafe now, I might never see my brother again.
“Sorry, but I’m not in the business of getting other people killed.”
“Well, you see, this is why my plan is so perfect. I want the man behind the curtain, and you’re my steppingstone to getting what I want.”
“And how do you plan to do that?”
“I’m going to offer him the one thing he really wants.”
“What’s that?”
“A chance to interrupt my supply chain again.”
My heart skipped a beat in my chest. “Why would you do that?”
“Because whoever is behind all of this desperately wants to ruin my operation. I’m going to tempt him with something that he can’t resist. And when he comes, I’ll take him and then have my revenge.”
Rafe would be walking into a trap. I had no way to warn him or stop him from coming. Even if I could get to a phone, I had no way of letting him know what was really going on.
Unless I could contact Nicholas.
But then he would want to be involved and I needed Nicholas as far away from this guy as possible. Just the thought that Zavala would come within a mile of Nicholas made my skin crawl.
“I’m not helping you kill another man.”
He chuckled as he took his seat once again. “Just being here is all the help I need. The damsel in distress that no man can resist helping. All I have to do is send a message and the hard work will be done.”