Page 124 of Iron Rations
“Do you know where she went when she was done?”
“No, I’m afraid I didn’t see her leave.”
“What about restaurant staff? Is there anyone I can talk to?”
“Um…I think Mike is still here. He would have been one of the servers.”
“Would he have waited on her?”
“I really don’t know. The restaurant isn’t run by the hotel. I only see inside and occasionally get dinner there.”
“Where can I find Mike?”
“If he’s here, he’ll be in the back of the restaurant, but the doors are locked.”
“Then find someone who can open them,” I snapped.
“No need,” I heard Rafe say as he walked over to the doors and kicked them in.
The woman gasped, saying something about calling the police, but I was already running through the doors in search of this guy. When I shoved open the door to the kitchen, the cook shouted at me.
“You can’t be in here.”
“Where’s Mike?”
“Get the hell out of here!”
“Mike, where is he!”
Rafe grabbed a knife laying on the table and stalked toward the man as I rounded the corner on the other side of the counter. The cook looked between the two of us, knowing there was no way out for him.
“Where is Mike?”
“The kid? He went home.”
“A few minutes ago. He was?—”
The door opened and a kid walked through, maybe nineteen years old by the looks of it. “Hey, Chef, I forgot my—” He looked up and stopped immediately as he took in the scene. “What’s going on?”
“Are you Mike?”
“Did you serve this woman earlier tonight?” I held out my phone for him to see.
He squinted, then nodded. “Yeah, she was here.”
“Did you see where she went after dinner?”
“She left with some guy.” He shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled something out. “This was on the table.”
I took it from him and stared at the Z on the tie clip. “Who was with her?”
“Not sure. He was a scary-looking dude.”
I nodded and motioned for Rafe to follow me. Hurrying out of the restaurant, the hotel staff gave us a wide berth as we exited the hotel.