Page 112 of Iron Rations
“Ooh, sorry. I can’t do that. I’d love to help you out and all, but I sort of have a deal with IRIS.”
Fuck, what was it going to take to get me out of these damn ropes? “And what’s your deal with IRIS?”
“Oh, it’s totally about you. See, he feels slightly bad about setting that third charge off so soon and nearly killing your lady love. He really wishes it hadn’t gone down like that, but what are you gonna do?”
“Not set off the explosives early,” I deadpanned.
“Right,” he snapped his fingers at me. “That’s a definite possibility, but what are some other ways we can avoid all this extra rigamarole?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Well, clearly, you’re going to kill IRIS. Now, as much as I love a good beatdown, I can’t allow you to kill the man. He has a woman to think about.”
“So do I,” I bit out. “Yet, I’m still tied to a fucking chair!”
“So, you see my predicament.”
“What I see is our friendship quickly dissolving.”
He laughed at that. “Wow, you almost had me there. Close to being convincing, but if you want some good pointers, you should go to the Kamau. He’s great at coming up with evil looks and comebacks that set my skin on fire.”
“Do I look like I want to talk to the Kamau?”
“Well, I can see where you’d be jealous. He’s a hard act to follow.”
“I’m not trying to follow him.”
His eyes went wide as he swung his legs lazily. “You want to surpass him? Not sure that can happen, or that I would ever allow it. Frankly, I just don’t think you have it in you.”
“I have plenty in me.”
“Yeah, but you’re just not the Kamau. I’m sorry, but it’s not going to happen. You’re like…the medium light to his darkness or the medium darkness to my light. See what I’m saying?”
I didn’t, and I wasn’t about to continue debating with him about this. “I don’t give a shit what the Kamau is like. All I care about is getting out of these damn ropes and getting to Raven before she does something stupid!”
“She took my damn car!” Cash shouted as he ran up to me. “Why the fuck would she take my car?”
“Because you were the one stupid enough to leave your keys on the table,” I pointed out.
“Still, after I helped her out, she could have taken someone else’s car.”
“If you untie me, I’ll go after her and make sure she pays.”
His eyes flicked my way and a smile lit his face. “Nice try. As much as I’d love to let you go after her, I promised her a two-hour head start.”
“But she stole your car!”
“Yeah. It reminds me of something Eva would do.”
“So, that’s it? You’re just going to leave me tied to a chair?”
“It sucks, I know, but it’s for the best.”
“Makes the chase better,” Fox grinned, holding out the jar to him. “Worm?”
“No thanks.”
“They’re surprisingly good.”