Page 109 of Iron Rations
I had no fucking clue what he was talking about, and I didn’t give a shit at this moment. “Untie me.”
“Are you going to behave?”
“Go fuck yourself.”
He cocked his head to the side. “Maybe another half hour.”
“Great work,” another guy said as he passed.
I nodded, glad that it was over. While I didn’t mind putting on a show, I found it hilarious that everyone here, aside from Zoe, thought it was all an amazing performance. Only she knew that Yuri was actually a Russian mobster. It worked perfectly for her film, which was why she so willingly let us use her set—with the agreement that we would perform in two more scenes for her.
I had no idea where those scenes would fit in, but apparently, it was perfectly normal to shoot out of order. And though I hadn’t seen an actual script, I wasn’t exactly thrilled to know the part I would be playing. What had this woman done in the film to get herself killed?
“They’re not going to credit me in the role, are they?” I asked Red as I walked over to the refreshments table. Grabbing a bottle, I chugged the whole thing. After being stuffed in a car and dragged onto the set, I was dying of thirst. It was only by sheer luck that Ivan was able to distract Yuri long enough for FNG to fit me with a fake hand and bag of blood that would dribble out from underneath my jacket. At the last minute, he fit me with a bulletproof vest, something I was very thankful for at the moment.
Ivan’s plan only included roughing me up and a missing hand. Killing me hadn’t been in the cards, but Yuri had a different idea in mind. While I was bruised up, at least I wasn’t six feet under or swimming with the fishes.
Red smirked as he looked up from his script. “Not if you don’t want them to.”
“We were lucky her set was so close to us. That had to be sheer luck.”
“Or divine intervention.”
“I can’t believe your wife likes doing this stuff.”
“It wasn’t her idea. She just wanted to write scripts. Somehow, it morphed into us making films for her. Even with kids at home, she’d rather be doing this than being a housewife.”
“Can you blame her? All those snotty noses and the boredom of sitting around the house all day? I can’t imagine it.”
“And stealing is so much better?” he laughed.
“Well, it was definitely more exciting. Although, this job took it a little far.”
“Almost being burned to death will have that effect on most people.”
I fiddled with my bottle, waiting in uncomfortable silence next to a man I barely knew. My alternative was to face the music with Nicholas, which wasn’t something I was looking forward to.
“You know, he’s going to be even more pissed if you stay over here talking to me.”
“Yes, but he can’t kill me if I’m standing by you.”
“Wanna bet?”
“You wouldn’t let him kill me.”
“No, but he’s not looking to kill you. Maybe maim you in the bedroom,” he chuckled. “Good luck with that.”
“Thanks for the chivalry,” I shouted as he walked away.
He held up a thumb. Yeah, like that really made me feel better. Turning to face my executioner, I took a deep breath and decided there was no time like the present. Well, I would take any other time, but running from him would only make the situation worse, as I already knew.