Page 104 of Iron Rations
He walked closer, then his hand struck out, grabbing me by the hair and yanking me toward him. “We shall see.” His eyes twinkled as he laughed in my face.
I briefly saw Ivan move behind him, but if I was hoping he would knock the Russian out or help in any way, I was sorely mistaken.
“My friend, I feel it is only right I help you with this task.” He turned and faced the building. “As you can see, our location is no longer safe. We must move somewhere else.”
“I will take her home to New York.”
Ivan shook his head. “Is too far. I have someplace closer that will…be more discreet. And there is added benefit of easy disposal.”
They both tossed back their heads and laughed at me. I couldn’t believe it. After everything that had happened with Ivan, he was not only turning his back on me, but he was going to allow this man to torture me for information. So much for doing a favor for FNG. He should have just killed me and put me out of my misery a long time ago.
The Russian jerked me by the hair, tossing me over to Ivan, who caught me and spun me around, gripping my chin in his hand.
“This will be fun. It has been too long since I got to use my knives. You will allow me the honors, no?”
The Russian looked at Ivan with menace in his eyes, but nodded slightly. “For you, I will allow.”
“Good. You will follow me to location. This is going to be fun.”
Ivan spun me around harshly, leading me away from The Russian while holding onto me with a tight grip on my arm. Nerves fluttered through me as I tried to find a way out of this. Ivan planned to torture me for information.
Information about him.
I was so confused as to what was going on here. I stumbled along beside him, trying to come up with a plan. I could jump out of the car as we were driving down the road. Granted, I would probably die of my injuries if we were driving too fast, but it was better than being interrogated by Ivan.
“Just go with me and everything will be fine.”
“Really?” I huffed. “You certainly looked like you wanted to kill me before he came along. Why should I believe anything you say?”
“It was all for show,” Ivan mused. “I would not actually have killed you.”
“Well, that’s good to know. Just a little mutilation to make it believable?”
He shot me a frown. “Mutilation? No. I only needed sample of your blood to fake your death properly. There are certain things needed to get a death certificate. I could have easily produced woman with burned off face in no time. It would have satisfied the Russians, but I did not expect Yuri to live.”
“Our Russian friend who wants to interrogate you. Is good. I will fix everything.” He pulled out his phone and dialed. “Ah, FNG, I am in need of your services. We are about to give performance of lifetime…You do? Is good. Send me address and prepare for me. We will need torture devices…” He chuckled into the phone. “I will be waiting.”
He turned to me with a grin.
“You take way too much pleasure in this.”
“Is what I am good at. Come, we must prepare you to die.” He popped the trunk on the car and motioned for me to get in. “It won’t hurt. Much.”
I rolled my eyes and let him toss me inside. As the trunk closed on me, I had one final hope.
That I wasn’t willingly going to my death.
My head lolled to the side just before I jerked awake. I blinked rapidly, trying to adjust my eyes and make out my surroundings, but everything was blurry. Had I been drugged?
After multiple attempts trying to lift my hand to wipe my eyes, I realized I was tied to a chair. Jerking my hands over and over, the ropes dug into my wrists with every move. I soon came to find that my legs were similarly tied.
No matter how I tried, I couldn’t focus enough to figure out where the hell I was or how I got here. The last thing I remembered was…the explosion.