Page 76 of Blue Falcon
Feeling like I was going to be sick, I shoved Brock out of the way and dashed to the bathroom, putting my hands on the greasy door before I could think better of it. I slammed the stall door and bent over, dry-heaving as I thought of pig intestines.
I took deep breaths, fighting back the tears threatening to spill over. The trauma of being kidnapped in the middle of the night from my bed, then realizing I had no way out was too much for me to handle.
It briefly crossed my mind that I could just try to walk away. I was smart. It couldn’t be that hard to figure out a way home. Then again, I didn’t know where I was and I didn’t have any money on me. George wasn’t here to drive me home and there were no apparent directions anywhere—not that I could read them.
Frustrated with myself, I turned and pulled down my underwear, squatting over the toilet. I tried to pee, but I couldn’t really get the hang of how to hover without getting urine on myself. I grabbed toilet paper and laid it in thick layers over the seat, then finally sat down, but I felt like bugs were crawling over me. This was so disgusting.
After several minutes, I released my bladder and tried not to think about the large penis drawn on the door right across from me. It was okay. I would survive this trip and move on with life.
I sucked in a breath as I suddenly thought of something.
I had no facial cleanser or moisturizer.
I really was doomed.
“Do you think she’s okay in there?”
“Why?” Fox asked, slurping his pig intestine stew.
“Because she’s been in there for a while. Maybe I should go check on her.”
“This is fantastic. I need to learn how to make this.”
“Fox, what about Wren?”
He dug his fork into his weed salad. “Who’d have thought weeds could be so tasty? You know, when I was on my holistic kick, I tried many weeds, but I never thought about combining them with eggs.” He picked up a sauce tin of chocolate and poured it over his weed concoction, then shoved another bite in his mouth. “Mmm, this is so good.”
I was grateful Wren was still in the bathroom. She would have thrown up if she saw him eating this shit. “I think I’ll check on her.”
He nodded, shoving another mouthful into his trap. “I get it. You can’t leave her alone. The obsession is growing,” he grinned. Tiny pieces of green things clung to his teeth.
“I can leave her alone. That’s not a problem.”
“Right,” he snorted. “That’s why we kidnapped her. To leave her alone.”
“It was for her safety,” I retorted.
“Hey, you don’t have to explain psychotic behavior to me. I’m the man with the fucked up head. I get it.”
“It’s not like that,” I urged.
He was about to shove a piece of chicken in his mouth when he paused. “Then what is it like?”
I opened my mouth to give some brilliant answer, but found I didn’t have one. “It’s…”
“Exactly. She fucks with your head. I get it.”
“She’s all wrong for me,” I sighed.
“Is she? You’re very similar. You like hair gel. She has hair. You’re obsessed with your looks. She’s fucking beautiful. She’s rich. You’re…still alive. I get it. Anna and I couldn’t have been more different. Okay, that’s not true. We’re like this,” he grinned, crossing his fingers. “I might be slightly psycho, but I’m her psycho. It’s the same for you two.”
“It’s not,” I snapped.
“It really is.”