Page 31 of Blue Falcon
Luckily, traffic was on our side as we headed toward the luxury boutique. I was in desperate need of some shopping to relieve the tension of the past few days. People really didn’t understand just how stressful my life could be. Between planning this charity auction and the various errands I had to run, my life was too chaotic. Retail therapy was the only way to balance out my life at the moment.
As expected, I was greeted with champagne the moment I walked through the door. They laid out the red carpet whenever I stepped foot in their shop. They knew as soon as I wore something from the boutique to a function, it would immediately sell out. I was like Princess Kate, but without the title. Which was fine because I couldn’t even imagine how she had time to support so many charities. I could hardly support more than one at a time.
“Ladies, I’m feeling overrun. Please, show me—” I snapped my fingers at them when it was clear they weren’t paying attention to me. “Excuse me, but I was trying to explain to you what I need.”
“Sorry, Ms. Crosby, but…”
“But what?” I asked, spinning around to see what they were all staring at. I pursed my lips as I stared at Brock hovering in the doorway. “Brock.”
“Wren,” he said, staring at me like I had done something wrong. But his face cleared a moment later as he grinned, strolling over to me. “You didn’t tell me you would be coming here today.”
“I wasn’t aware I had to,” I hissed, keeping my voice low so the ladies wouldn’t overhear me. “Is shopping a dangerous thing?”
Brock leaned in close so it looked like he was talking to me, but then said something I didn’t understand. “Secure the perimeter.”
“What?” I asked, jerking back.
He tapped his ear. I looked closer and saw a transparent earpiece discreetly placed.
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Honestly, we’re at a boutique. I hardly think anything will happen here.”
Brock grabbed me by the elbow and dragged me to the corner of the shop.
“Hey! You can’t drag me around like this!” The women glanced over at me and I waved, giving my best smile.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he hissed.
“Language!” I admonished. “I came to shop. Is that really so wrong?”
“Yes, when you leave without your security team.”
I couldn’t hold back. I never did something as low-brow as rolling my eyes, but the occasion really did call for it. “Look around you. We’re in a boutique with the most luxurious dresses and hats and gloves anyone could ever want. There is absolutely no one who would harm me in this shop, especially if they ever wanted to see the light of day again.”
“You seem to be under the delusion that you’re untouchable.”
“Because I am. No one would dare try to do anything to me. I’m a Crosby.”
“And I’m a Patton. Shit happens.”
“As far as I know, you’re not extremely wealthy. Your name means nothing.”
“No, but the guns I carry mean a hell of a lot.”
I gasped, holding my hand to my chest. “You have a weapon on you?”
“Well, how did you think I’m going to protect you? Maybe I should just blow kisses and hope that keeps any attackers away.”
I lowered my voice, hoping no one overheard us. “I have a hard stance against guns. I do not want them anywhere near me.”
“Wren, the name of the game is security. You won’t find anyone stupid enough to protect you without arming themselves.”
“I’m sorry, but I won’t have it. What would people say if they found out my security team carries weapons? I would be a laughingstock.”
He nodded at me. “That’s understandable.”
“Thank you.” I knew he would see my point.
“Do you know what’s also understandable? If you were to be attacked and we weren’t able to protect you, the papers would say, Oh, she was attacked. Her security should have been carrying weapons. I guess it’s understandable that she’s dead now.”