Page 12 of Blue Falcon
He slapped my hand and the comb fell to the ground with a clatter. “Hey!” I gasped. “That’s one of my best combs. Here I was, trying to be nice, and you’re so…mean and cruel.”
“It’s a fucking comb, Brock, and the last thing I need is to run your magical comb through my hair when we’re trying to plan a mission.”
Edu frowned at him. “You’ve got a little…”
“What?” Lock asked, wiping at his face.
“No, it’s…” He jerked his head to the side.
“It’s what?”
Edu jerked his head again.
“Would you just fucking tell me instead of playing charades with me?”
“Go like this,” Edu said, flipping his head like a girl would flip her hair.
Not understanding, Lock did so, then stopped and glared at Edu when he caught on, but we were already laughing hysterically.
“Every time,” Edu laughed, holding up his hand for a high five.
I punched his palm, then sat back, running my magical comb through my hair. And people thought I was crazy. At least I didn’t have hair as long as my wife.
“Can we get back to work?” Lock huffed. “It’s like you guys can’t take anything seriously.”
“Not when you have long hair,” Edu chuckled. “But if it’ll make you feel better, this style really works for us.”
“In what way?” I asked.
“Well, his hair color is almost the same as Wren’s. If we ever need a decoy, we could take his hair out, flat iron it, and voila! We have a body double.”
I laughed, but then stopped suddenly. “That’s not funny, Edu.”
“Thank you!” Lock snapped.
“Yeah, he might get shot, and then who would we make fun of?”
Lock slapped me upside the head, messing up my hair. “At least I don’t have more hair supplies than a girl.”
“Mock me all you want, but I look better than all of you.”
The plastic from the cockpit ripped open and Scottie walked back with us, sighing heavily as he plopped down in a seat. We all stared at him, wondering what the fuck he was doing.
“So, what’s up?”
“What’s up?” Edu screeched. “What’s up? There’s a fucking plane flying itself! That’s what’s up!”
Scottie grinned, jerking his thumb toward the front of the plane. “Oh, yeah. George,” he chuckled. “Don’t worry. He’s solid.”
“I don’t give a shit if he’s solid,” Edu said, standing too quickly and banging his head on the overhead luggage compartment. “There’s a wide open sky out there, and nobody’s watching it!”
“Relax,” Scottie said, crossing one leg over the other. He was way too fucking relaxed. “If there’s something in our path, an alarm will sound.”
The cabin went dark and lights flashed in a pattern. Scottie sat up, alarm shooting across his face. “Uh…”
“Uh?” I repeated. “That’s what the fuck you’re saying when alarms are going off? Are you fucking kidding me?”
Scottie pushed off the seat. “Right!” He stormed toward the front, ripping the plastic from the cockpit, then sat down, putting on his headphones. I watched in panic as his control panel went insane. Lights were flashing and his guidance system was talking in some weird language.