Page 1 of Blue Falcon
“Girl, when I signed up to move out here, I thought I was going to have men saving me left and right,” I told Sarah as I took a sip of champagne.
The woman doing my pedicure looked up at me incredulously. Screw her. She didn’t know the situation. She wasn’t aware of all I gave up to live amongst hot men. Besides, she shouldn’t be listening in on my conversation.
“I can’t believe you dragged me here. I hate getting pampered,” Sarah grumbled.
“Oh, relax. It’s not like I took you to the zoo or something. We’re having a spa day. Enjoy it.”
She rolled her eyes at me and tried to relax, but I could see the tension in her body. “I just don’t like people touching me like this. It’s weird.”
“What’s weird is that you’re complaining about someone giving you pretty toes. Besides, when this is over, I’m getting a back massage. I still have a knot from sleeping on that hard bed.”
“You could always get your own place,” she said, side-eyeing me.
“Why would I do that? I have free rent.”
“Oh, I don’t know. Because you’re an adult with a full-time job and you can support yourself.”
That was Sarah—all about responsibility and doing the right thing. “I’ll have you know that I’m buying a home in town.”
“Really? Which one?”
“Laura’s. It’s being remodeled from the tornado. Once it’s ready, it’ll be all mine,” I grinned.
“I can’t believe how well you’re adjusting to living in Kansas.”
“Girl, I never said I was adjusting. I’m just rolling with the punches and waiting for my shot with one of those hotties.”
“Well, you’d better hurry up. They’re falling off the market like…dead flies.”
I was about to take a sip of champagne but stopped. “Dead flies?”
“I couldn’t remember the analogy. Whatever happened with you and Brock?”
“Ugh,” I shifted in my seat. “Don’t remind me.”
I might have pretended that I didn’t want him, but the man was so sexy. But how was I supposed to compete with someone who was constantly being badgered? And twice during sex? That had to be a sign.
“I thought you really liked him.”
“Yeah, but we were interrupted twice during sex. That’s a bad omen.”
“Or,” she said pointedly. “It’s a sign that you’re supposed to date him before you jump into bed with him.”
I laughed at that. “Says the woman who fell into the arms of a stranger at a bar and then went on an adventure with him.”
“Hey, it wasn’t a purposeful adventure. I just…sort of got dragged along for the ride.”
I sighed heavily. “What I wouldn’t give to be dragged along for the ride.”
“Well, if you did want Brock, it looks like it’s too late.”
That made me sit upright. “What do you mean?”
“Um…just that he was sleeping with that friend of Laura’s.”