Page 4 of Ringo
She looked from Dom to me and back. Then back to me. “I… I don’t want to cause any trouble.”
“You ain’t.” I grinned at her. “Better tell ‘em, baby girl. He hears it from me, it won’t be the good version.”
She winced. “Look. It was nothing. I tried to get past him into you guys’ territory and he stopped me. I’m sure it was his job. I fell on my ass. Then I kicked him in the balls.”
“He shoved you because you almost dislocated his little finger when he tried to strangle you.” I’d probably just signed Redwood’s death warrant, but honestly, he deserved it for putting his hands on Calista. I leveled a gaze at her. “Don’t gloss over what happened because you’re unsure of us right now. We’re not automatically going to take the side of one of our members over you.” I nodded to Dom. “Your dad never forgot you. He always protected you and your mother from afar as best he could. At least, he has as long as I’ve known him.”
“Ringo, take Calista to my room. I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.” Dom brushed past me on his way out the door. “Need to have a chat with… Peckerwood.”
Much as I wanted to let this play out with Redwood, I didn’t think now was the time. He needed to find out what had driven Calista to a compound filled with morally gray men in the middle of the Goddamned night. Then I might kill the little bastard myself.
“Dom, wait.” I grabbed his arm and tugged. He tried to shrug me off, but I held on. “How about you find out what made her come looking for you? ‘Cause I’m bettin’ whoever it is needs to die before Redwood. That little prick ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
Dom gave me an irritated look before turning back to Calista. “Come here, honey.” Dom reached for her again, and Calista went to him willingly.
“Yeah, honey.” Dom wrapped his arms so tightly around her, she almost disappeared inside them. “I’m so sorry I missed… your life. I did it to protect you, though. You and Tina.”
“She taught me how to find you when I was just a child. She made up a silly song and I’ve sung it all my life. As long as I can remember.”
Dom chuckled. “Tina was always so creative. That doesn’t surprise me.”
“She only told me what the song really meant not long before she died. When she did, it was like everything clicked into place in my brain. She taught me how to use a compass and a map. She even drew one.” Calista handed Dom an old silver compass. Looked like it was probably fifty years old.
Dom took it from her, reluctantly letting her out of his embrace. He looked at the instrument, releasing the cover and revealing a small, folded piece of paper. In careful, precise lines, Tina had drawn Calista a map. She’d given her a wide area in Riviera Beach where she could enter the wildlife reserve. Calista had as much information as she could in the limited space of the paper. It was a miracle Calista had found us and not ended up gator bait.
“See?” I raised an eyebrow at Dom. “Must be somethin’ fuckin’ bad for her to have taken off here.”
Dom sighed. “You’re a pain in my ass, Ringo. Always have been.”
“Wouldn’t be doin’ my job if I wasn’t.”
I followed Dom as he lifted Calista into his arms. The girl looked like she was running on adrenaline, from which she was experiencing a massive let down. I had no doubt Dom could see her fatigue as easily as I could.
Oddly, I found myself jealous of the other man. I wanted her to be in my arms. Which was all kinds of crazy. The last thing I needed in my life was a woman. Especially one as spirited as this one. I’d given Rocket enough grief when he’d taken Lemon as his woman. Or, rather, when she’d claimed him as her man. I could see how this could end badly for me if I even thought about trying to make Calista mine.
Dom stopped at the door to his room. I stepped forward and opened it. When he took Calista inside, I tried to move in behind him, but Dom just turned and blocked my path.
“Where the fuck do you think you’re goin’?”
“Where’s it look like I’m goin’?” I loved baiting Dom. I could be as vicious as the next guy -- and I would rain hell down on Redwood when I took care of the bigger problem -- but my job was grim enough without baiting a friend now and then for a laugh. This time, however, I needed to hear what Calista had to say so I could better understand the best way to carry out whatever order Dom was going to give afterward.
“I’m talkin’ to my daughter. I don’t need you here for that.”
“You know I have to be here. There’s no need for her to have to repeat herself. We do it all at once where you and I can both be on the same page.”
Dom glared at me. “Thought I was sergeant at arms. Meaning I’m actually the boss of you. Not the other way around.”
I grinned. “I let you think that.” Then I shouldered my way in and shut the door as Dom carried Calista to the couch. He set her down, then snagged a blanket and draped it around her shoulders.
She looked at me. Clear blue eyes gave me a longing look. It wasn’t sexual attraction, though I thought I saw that too. It was more like she wanted me for something other than sex. I was a big bastard. My size had always stood me well as enforcer of the club. Given that Calista had basically run blind over some pretty dangerous land in the middle of the night, I was going with her wanting my protection.
Dom dug his phone out of his back pocket and shot off a text. “Gettin’ some breakfast up here as well as something other than beer for the fridge,” he muttered. “I’ll have Rocket bring clothes and shit.”
“Why not ask Lemon? She’ll come closer to havin’ woman shit than Rocket.” I knew why. I was doing this to put Calista more at ease. Dom’s eyes narrowed in confusion for a brief moment before he figured out what I was doing.
He snorted. “Right. I’m gonna get the vice president of this club to do something because a woman would be better suited for it. I’m telling my president so he can tell his old lady, who happens to be the vice president, to do something a woman would be more suited to.” Dom grinned. “I ain’t stupid, boy.”