Page 2 of Ringo

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Page 2 of Ringo

It took a couple of hours, but I finally found a small, rundown shack. Looked like, at one time, it might have been a hunting cabin, or some kind of game-watch post. It wasn’t much bigger than a small storage building but wasn’t completely enclosed. About halfway up the walls, all around, the enclosure was open, at one time covered with a screen. Kept out insects but allowed the occupant to see out in all directions. This was a landmark on my map, and I’d basically stumbled on it.

I went inside the little shack, noting there was nothing inside except a bench fashioned all around the inside perimeter and dirt and leaves. The screens had long ago been torn or had fallen apart, leaving only ragged remnants to sway in the slight breeze.

It was ridiculous, but with a roof over my head, even with little protection from anything, I felt a little safer. Not safe, by any means, but more… secure.

I set the light beside me when I sank down onto one of the benches. Carefully, I pulled out my compass and opened it, taking care with the delicate piece of paper folded inside it. Opening it up, I confirmed what I already knew. I needed to head straight northeast. Like, this place had been put in this exact position to use as a landmark. My mother had given me three at various points around the center structure I was trying to get to. Each landmark pointed in a precise direction, so I had no doubt these spots were carefully thought out and deliberately placed as guides. If you knew the coordinates. And had a map. Which I did. A treasure map, if you will.

From my current position, I estimated it would take me about six hours to walk. It wasn’t that far, per se, but walking in the woods and swamp was tricky going. The accepted estimate was to allow thirty minutes for every mile walked. I guessed I’d find out how far off that estimate was when I found the place I was looking for.

And my dad. Unfortunately, I had no idea if he knew I existed. If he did, there was every possibility he wouldn’t accept me or even want me in his life. Which was fine. I just needed his protection long enough to make sure Borris Illivitch gave up looking for me.

Turned out, I made better time than I thought I would. Even in the dark. I literally stumbled into a big guy with a full beard. He scowled down at me even as his hands went to my shoulders to steady me. I expected his fingers to bite into my flesh, but he was surprisingly gentle.

“Who the fuck goes there at four-thirty in the fuckin’ mornin’?”

“I…” I jumped and nearly squealed. I hadn’t even heard the guy approach! He loomed over me. I couldn’t see him that well, but I knew he was much larger than me. Reflexively, I shone the light on him. Huge mistake. He reached out and batted the light away from his face before grabbing the thing from me in a swift jerk that took my breath. If he was anything like the way my mom described my dad, then I had no hope of fighting him off if he chose to attack. Not for the first time, I questioned my sanity. Was this really the only option I had? I mean, besides letting my stepfather sell me to his loan shark. Taking a deep breath, I straightened, squaring my shoulders as I found my backbone. “I’m here to see Dominic.”

The man stared me down for several seconds, but I refused to look away. I met his gaze boldly, leaving no mistake I intended to get what I wanted. Some of the last words my mother spoke to me were to approach these men with confidence and strength. Any show of weakness on my part and they’d simply refuse me entrance.

Finally, he snorted a laugh. “I think you’re in the wrong place, little girl. Best you be moving on.”

“I’m here to see Dominic and I’m not leaving until I do. Tell him Tina sent me.” I held up the compass. My mother said it might be the one thing that would get me in, though she confessed she didn’t know how Dominic would take the token. “Tell him I have something for him.” The guy reached for the compass, but I jerked it back. “I’ll give it to him myself.”

“Little spitfire, eh?” There was no denying the amusement in his voice. “All right then. Wait here.” He turned and left me, disappearing back into the woods.

I was so fucking tired. If this guy was right and it was four-thirty in the morning, I’d been hiking through the woods and swamp for the better part of seven hours. Not only was I exhausted, my body had gone about as far as it could.

I think I dozed off where I was standing, because the next thing I knew the guy was back with a scowl on his face. “Ringo said Dom’s busy. Said to give me whatever you had and he’d give it to Dom at a decent fuckin’ hour.”

I closed my eyes, inhaling for patience. “Look. I’ve literally been hiking in unfamiliar territory the entre fucking night. I’m tired. I’m hungry. I’m thirsty. And more than a little cranky. Either get Dominic for me or let me in and I’ll find him myself.”

I took a step forward, intending to march past the man. I had no idea where to go from there because I couldn’t see any sign of structures or even other people. He snagged my arm in a punishing grip, halting my progress.

“Where the fuck you think you’re goin’, huh?”

“I told you, dumbass. I’m here to see Dom.” Fatigue was making me grouchy as shit and I knew I needed to dial it down, but my mouth wasn’t picking up what my brain was putting down. “Are you deaf or just fuckin’ stupid?”

The seconds the words left my mouth, I knew I’d made a huge mistake. Anger flashed in the guy’s eyes and his hand darted to my throat, squeezing my neck nearly as hard as he’d gripped my arm.

“You don’t get to talk to me that way, bitch. You’re in our territory and you’ll do what the fuck I tell you. Now get your fuckin’ ass outta here before I have to help you out.”

This wasn’t happening. I might not be able to take this guy in a fight, but I wasn’t about to stand here and let him strangle me. I found his pinky finger with my hands. It took everything I had left to get leverage under the digit and pry it loose from my neck.

Once I managed to dig my way underneath, I pulled with all my might, bending his finger back. Just as I’d read it would, the move loosened his grip. I thought he might use his other hand to strangle me or even hit. Instead, he shoved me backward. Hard. I stumbled and fell on my ass as he pulled a gun and cocked it, aiming it at me.

“Redwood? What the fuck are you doin’?” Another man appeared from the trees and shadow. This guy was… waaaay the fuck bigger than Redwood. Both wider and taller. If he jumped in to help his buddy, I was royally screwed.

Redwood’s attention wavered and I struck. I brought my foot up sharply, hoping to catch his balls and make them sing. Even in the dark, I could manage to get close. He grunted and immediately stepped back, going down to one knee. I scrambled backward until I was sure I had my balance.

“Stop!” The second guy kicked Redwood over so the other man groaned and lay in the fetal position, clutching his crotch. Was he talking to me? “Not one more step, girl.” I guess he was talking to me.

“I’m not standing here and letting that bastard strangle me to death.” I bared my teeth at the guy. “I came a long fucking way to see Dominic. Either take me to him or tell him why you turned his daughter away.”

I was taking a huge gamble here. I had no idea if this guy would feel any obligation to help me or not. But my mother seemed to think he would. It was why I was told to give Dominic the compass. She said it was special to him.

The newcomer stood absolutely still for several seconds. If I’d overplayed my hand, if Dominic wanted nothing to do with me, I might wish I was back with my stepfather.

“Surely you don’t believe the bitch, Ringo,” Redwood wheezed out. “Dom woulda said something if he had a daughter. Especially after Lemon started making sure we all took care of our families.”

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