Page 14 of Ringo
“What the fuck? Eww!” Lemon did a little dance, like something had just creeped her the fuck out. “Ringo germs! I’ll probably get the bubonic clap! Or a fiery, raging case of hemorrhoids! Bath! I need a bath! And liquor. And pot! OMG! Lots of pot!”
“That was just gross, Ringo.” Apple brushed herself off with a frown. Like I’d gotten dog shit on them. Meanwhile, Calista was laughing like a loon, bent double as she guffawed.
I looked appropriately put out with the women as I snagged Calista’s hand. “That was cold, y’all.”
Lemon pointed at me, pointing to her eyes, then at me a couple of times. All kidding aside, I got the message. She was watching, and I absolutely would not do anything to hurt Calista.
As we entered the house, Calista was still wiping tears from her eyes. “Those women are awesome!” She stood with her back against the door, a huge smile on her face as she laughed. “You did that on purpose.”
I snorted. “Right. ‘Cause I love setting myself up for ridicule from the tiny tyrants.”
“Oh…” Her eyes got wider, and she started laughing again, like this was all the height of hilarity. “You better not let either of them hear you call them that. I have a feeling it won’t work out so well for you.”
I couldn’t help the grin and knew there was likely some soft, goofy expression on my face. How the fuck had I decided I liked soft and sweet? ‘Cause this girl was so fucking sweet it was giving me cavities. Her reactions were genuine. She was scared, but brave. She’d had one small meltdown, but I thought she still needed to process everything that had happened tonight.
I let her calm down somewhat. She sat on the couch, plopped down like she was exhausted. Given that she’d been on the run all night, I was sure she was.
“You all right, baby girl?” I moved to the side table where I kept a bottle of Jack. I poured us both a shot, then handed her the glass, crouching in front of her, careful to go slowly so I didn’t startle her.
She took the glass and sniffled, tears still leaking from her eyes. There was a smile on her face, but it started to falter. “Well, I’m on the run from my stepfather and whoever he thought he was gonna sell me to. When they catch me, they’re going to do things to me I can’t even imagine.”
She shot the whisky, sputtering slightly before setting the glass down next to her. I quickly shot mine and set my glass beside hers. She rubbed her hand under her nose to catch a drip. I reached to the side table for a box of tissues someone had thought to bring. Apple, no doubt. She was turning into the hard-ass of the two, but she still had a soft spot. Mostly, when there was someone she thought needed taking care of.
Once Calista’d blown her nose she met my gaze. “I’m sorry I dragged you into this. It’s not fair to you and, no matter how attracted I am to you, I don’t think I’m ready for this yet.”
“For what, baby? Sex?”
She closed her eyes and exhaled, like I was dancing on the very last nerve she had. “Yes, Ringo. Sex. You heard me. I’m a virgin. Can’t say I haven’t watched porn or anything. I know about all the stuff Borris promised the other guy he could do.” She met my gaze again. This time, there was a wealth of emotions shining there. Fear. Curiosity. Shock. Anger. Despair.
I reached out, brushing a lock of hair off her cheek before stroking my fingers down her soft skin to tip her chin back. “Don’t be afraid to be curious about those things. Just because he made them sound dirty and terrifying doesn’t mean they have to be.”
“It’s hard to… to think about it because on some level deep down…” She sobbed, throwing herself into my arms. I caught her and wrapped my arms around her as I had just a couple hours ago. This time, though, I urged her legs around my waist and carried her to the bedroom.
I sat on the edge of the bed, holding her, letting her cry. She trembled in my arms. Maybe from fear, but I thought it was mostly in arousal. I also knew it shamed her.
“I want some of the things they described,” she whispered, her voice a mere whisper of sound. “But not with that man. Not with anyone but whom I choose.”
“Nothin’ wrong with that, baby girl. In fact, that’s exactly the way it should be. You want to try somethin’ new, you do it with someone you trust. Someone you want.”
“It’s not wrong? And I’d never want to do those things with just anyone.”
“Not wrong at all. Everyone likes to experiment, but you get to choose who and what.”
Calista pushed away from me slightly, looking into my face. “Are we really doing this whole old lady thing? You claiming me or whatever?”
I grinned. “You heard the options. Besides, I don’t think you’re as opposed to the thought as you try to pretend. I think you want to belong to me.”
She huffed out a breath. “Maybe I want you to belong to me.”
“I can work with that.” I grinned. “Now. I want to kiss you. May I?”
Sucking in a breath, Calista nodded. “Yes, Ringo.”
I grunted, sliding my hand around the back of her neck and pulling her down for a long, sweet kiss.
Chapter Eight