Page 23 of Never Kiss the Bad Boy
I flip over again, this time to my side, and peel my eyes open, wondering what he would’ve thought of my bedroom. It’s nothing special—a full bed covered in a bed-in-a-bag comforter set I got on sale, a dresser I got off the curb and scrubbed clean, and a chair in the corner where I rarely sit.
He probably wouldn’t have cared, or even noticed, given the passionate way he devoured my mouth and the way his eyes caressed my body.
I sigh heavily, not second-guessing myself, but rather hundred-eleven-guessing my decision to stop Kyle last night. I definitely had a moment of weakness there for a split second, but who could blame me? I mean, he’s hot, a great kisser, and when he’s not being a complete asshole, he can be kinda nice. Like at breakfast.
Meanwhile, I’m me. I hate to admit it, but he was right. I don’t take care of myself, and I’m not only talking my physical needs. Despite my refusal to take care of a man the way my mother does, in some ways, that’s all I do—work to feed the crews, sleep a little, then get up to do it again. Lather, rinse, repeat. I don’t have time for relaxation, masturbation, or even a hot shower some days.
He didn’t have to throw it in my face, though. Now, it’s all I can think of.
When was the last time I had actual sex? Shit, when was the last time I let my fingers do the walking? It’s probably too long if I can’t remember, right?
My brain says I made the right decision, but my body is still asking me what kind of idiot passes up what Kyle promised. I consider getting myself off, which I’ve thought about and dismissed all night. Doing that with Kyle on my mind means he won.
And he didn’t win.
If I lie here any longer, though, he will. I’m too weak, and now that orgasms are on my mind, my body wants one desperately. Rebelliously, I throw the covers off and climb out of bed, stretching my overly tense and sore limbs. I’m already feeling the miles I ran back and forth from the door to the curb yesterday, and I’ll have to do them all again today.
Only if everyone orders.
The sour thought is enough to douse my desire. Work doesn’t stop, bills always come, and I have people who need me to put one foot in front of the other, starting now.
In the kitchen, I get to it. Like every other day, I start the coffee pot and then rinse the rice, removing the surface starches before setting it to cook. Up next is starting my outdoor cooker.
I’ve got two big pieces of meat to do today—first some ‘quick’ pork that’ll fill today’s orders, and then a slow roasted beef that I’ll babysit all day so that it’s ready for tomorrow. As I’m getting the beef hung in my combination slow roaster and smoker, I hear noise next door.
Despite it being early, Kyle and his crew must already be at it.
I wonder if he got any sleep?
I refuse to check his eyes for tell-tale purple smudges, but I do glance over to see what they’re doing today. Kyle’s working right along with his men, carrying long pieces of wood to the curly-haired mullet guy, who chops them up with a loud saw. Kyle, the older guy, and the skinny one gather the cut pieces and distribute them throughout the big hole, sliding them beneath the rebar and wire mesh to elevate them. In effect, they seem to be making the skeletal bones of the pool.
I have to grudgingly give it to him… Kyle works hard.
The thought makes me wonder if he’d work as hard… to make me come.
Usually, I’d say no. Men brag about a very specific list of things—their bank accounts, their bench press, and their sexual prowess and/or dick size. Usually, they can’t back up any of it.
But for some reason, I think Kyle can back up his bragging.
He’d probably take it as a challenge if I didn’t or couldn’t come. My lack of orgasms would hurt his ego, I bet.
Then again, given what I felt pressed against my stomach, he has a reason for a big ego.
Even though I’m not actually considering taking Kyle up on his promise, the thought of that kiss keeps me distracted through the morning while I run laps from my front door to the curb, taking orders out to the line of trucks. Things go faster, the guys seem to be a lot more accepting of the situation I’m in, and Kyle’s truck is nearly touching the trailer behind him, giving me a tiny bit more room, which makes me happier.
My improved mood does not go unnoticed.
“You’re looking good today, Dani,” Leon, a plumber who always swings by, says as he takes his order. “Nice to see that smile again.”
To be fair, there are some customers who think they have the right to tell me to ‘smile more’ because they buy lunch from me. Like I’m their midday entertainment. Most of them, I quickly set straight and we get on with business. That’s not Leon, though. He’s a sweet guy who truly wants everyone to be happy and will do what he can to help others.
“Thanks. Got an early start,” I say, though my extra prep time this morning has nothing to do with it.
“Whatever it is, it looks good on you,” Leon says, handing me a ten. “Have a good one. I’ll be by tomorrow.”
The rest of the deliveries go smoother than orders have gone all week, but by the end of lunch, I’m exhausted. I’d love to sit down for a minute, but the pile of pots and pans stacked in my sink says that’s not happening. Plus, I still have beef roasting outside that’ll need attention for a few more hours.
I sigh heavily and start my next shift—clean-up duty.