Page 64 of Silk Shadow
Thank fuck.
The water helped cool him down, but not as much as he’d hoped. At least it had reduced his erection to acceptable standards.
When he got out, Izzy was standing by the lounge chair, sarong wrapped around her body like a towel. Her eyes blazed with a deep intensity that made him catch his breath. In that moment, she was wild, wanton, and sexy as fuck.
She took his hand. “Let’s go up to the room.”
They didn’t say much in the elevator, but she didn’t let go of his hand. His heart thumped against his rib cage like it did before he jumped out of a helicopter into a war zone.
They walked down the corridor, and he opened their door. The moment they got inside, she pulled him into her arms.
“This is your fault,” she murmured as the sarong fell to the floor. “You’ve made me so horny, I don’t know what to do with myself.”
He chuckled, releasing some of the tension. “You’re not the only one.”
What little good the pool water had done was quickly undone when she kissed him hard on the mouth. He picked her up, making her yelp, and carried her to the bed. He laid her down, conscious of her eyes on him, then peeled off his shorts and climbed on top of her.
She ripped off her sodden bikini and embraced him, naked and glorious. Her long legs wrapped around him like they had in the swimming pool, like he’d envisioned the first time they’d met. That unwanted thought that had shot into his mind during their first interview. Had it been a premonition?
Or just wishful thinking?
Either way, the reality was so much better.
He took her face in his hands and kissed her, claiming her mouth with his own. He wasn’t going to hold back. She wanted him and fucking hell, he wanted her too. More badly than he’d wanted any woman in his entire life.
She clung to him like her life depended on it. He explored her mouth, ravaging it until they were both gasping for air, then her pelvis rose to meet him, and he slid inside her like it was the most natural thing in the world.
She cried out and bit down on his shoulder. He growled and grabbed fistfuls of her hair, anchoring himself on his elbows on either side of her head. She stared up at him, her eyes ablaze with hunger, desire, and need.
Jesus, this was crazy.
There was no time to think, as his body reacted to the beautiful woman beneath him. A primal force had taken over and there was no going back. He was too far gone.
He thrust into her velvety depths.
Christ, she felt good. She was so ready for him.
He dove into her, aware that he was very close to losing control.
“Faster,” she moaned.
Shit, he was losing it.
He thrust manically, his head pounding, his whole body taut.
She felt so good, so tight, that he didn’t think he could hold out much longer. The pressure built until he was groaning with the effort.
Then, she bucked beneath him, her legs tightening around his waist, her body turning rigid. He felt her clamp down on his swollen cock as her orgasm hit.
He exploded inside her, growling something incoherent as he came. He surged forward, thrusting into her as far as he could go. Fireworks went off in his brain and he closed his eyes, drowning in the release. Molten spasms shot through his body, hot and hard, over and over until he shuddered. Drained.
He relaxed his grip on her. She was still clinging to him like a barnacle. Feeling him relax, she let go and fell back onto the bed. Her breathing was labored, her hair disheveled and spread out all over the pillow. She looked like a goddess that had fallen from heaven.
He collapsed, half on top of her, their legs still intertwined. He put his head on the pillow next to her and tried to get his breathing under control.
Jesus. That was intense.