Page 3 of Silk Shadow
The Commander stood up. At over six foot with a face made of granite, he looked every bit the tough former SEAL Commander he was reputed to be. "Ah, Victor Morgan—or do you prefer Viper?”
“Viper, sir.”
A nod. They shook hands. “I've heard good things about you. Excellent job in rescuing those hostages in Colombia. Could have been much worse than it was, if not for your brave act."
Viper shrugged it off. "I did what anyone in my position would have done, sir."
Pat locked his dark eyes on him. "Nonetheless, it was very well done. I'm sorry you got discharged over it. How are you feeling?"
"Fine. Never been in better shape."
"Bullet wounds all healed up?"
He nodded. "Weeks ago."
Pat's gaze lifted to the wound on his temple.
Viper held his tongue. The Blackthorn Security boss would have been told about his little bar fight and stint in the holding cell down at the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office. Too bad, there was nothing he could do about that now. Would it scupper his chances? He sure as hell hoped not.
He needed this job. It was more than just a job—it was a lifeline. Blackthorn Security. Hell, he would be lucky enough to be offered a position as a PPO at any firm, let alone here.
"Is that going to be a problem for you?" Pat asked pointedly.
"No, sir. It won't happen again."
Pat nodded and moved on. Viper exhaled.
"I think Blade explained what we need?"
He nodded. "Yes, sir. You need a personal protection officer for a client."
"A personal friend," he corrected. "I knew her mother."
"Yes, sir."
"And I understand you're keen to take on the role?"
"Yes, sir."
He clenched his fists under the table.
Pat nodded and looked him up and down. "Your reputation speaks for itself. If you're in agreement, then we can sign you on for a trial run. One op, and then we’ll take it from there. How does that sound?"
Viper hissed out a slow breath. “That sounds good.”
Pat slid a document over the desk toward Viper. "It says this is a probationary phase, and after this assignment ends, we'll make you a permanent offer. Short and sweet. I didn't have time to go into detail. You know the risks, you’ve done this before."
He gave a stoic nod, picked up a pen, and signed on the dotted line.
"Excellent." Pat grinned, and the granite cracked a little. He seemed less intimidating now. "I believe our client is waiting, so you can meet her right away."
"She's here, now?" Viper sat up straighter.
"Yeah, I asked her to come in so I could introduce you."
He'd been so sure Viper would say yes. That stung a little, but then, who wouldn't? It was Blackthorn Security. He'd be a fool not to accept the position.