Page 55 of Save the Game
I laugh, thumbs poised to reply just as more messages come through.
At 14:37 during the second period, you were on the bench and you took your helmet off and the cameraman must be a saint because he did this slow motion zoom into your face and OH MY FUCKING GOD.
The hair. The sweat. Your NECK.
I jacked off to a hockey game like it was a porno.
Oh my god lol. My neck?
Yes alfkdhgkdhasj your fucking NECK. Your hair was dripping sweat down your neck and I swear to god it was the sexiest thing I’ve seen all day.
I need to jack off again.
Hold off on that, my neck and I will be over at your place in less than an hour.
Don’t shower.
I’m not sitting in my car with myself without showering.
Okay, fine, shower, but make it quick. I’m losing it over here. If I’m not sucking on your neck in an hour, I’ll die.
Putting my phone down and grinning like a psychopath, I strip down with a good deal less care than I usually do. Most of the time, I wait until the majority of my teammates have already showered before I go in, that way most of them are gone when I come out and I don’t have to worry about being naked in the room. Tonight, however, I’m feeling good. I feel—I realize—like my old self. Like the Max who has a signed NHL contract; the Max who is confident and comfortable in his own skin.
“You are happy!” Vas notices when I step back into the locker room with a towel wrapped firmly around my waist. He’s sitting next to my stall, fully dressed in his street clothes and obviously waiting for me.
“Yeah,” I laugh. “That was a good game.”
“It was,” he agrees, and politely doesn’t maintain eye contact as I start pulling on my street clothes. He stares pointedly at the opposite wall as he talks to me. “I was wanting to know what you have for plans.”
“Tonight,” he confirms. “Carter is in town.”
I pause, half-dressed in my boxers and shirt. “Is he really? Visiting Zeke?”
“Indeed! He is here all weekend. He would like us to go say hi if we are free tonight.” He inches closer to me and holds his phone toward me, showing me a text message thread with Carter.
“Me, too?”
“Yes,” Vas says firmly. “They were at the game tonight.”
“Oh. Cool. I didn’t know he was going to be here.” I tug my pants on, looking down at my hands so that I don’t have to look at Vas when I ask my next question. “I could probably come for a bit…do you think I could bring someone?”
“Bring Luke,” Vas says decisively, standing up and patting me on the shoulder. “You remember where Carter’s house is, yes? We can meet there.”
“All right,” I agree, and finish tying the laces of my shoes. “We’ll see you there.”
I trail behind Vas as he leaves the locker room, bring up Luke’s contact and call him. He picks up on the first ring.
“Why are you not naked in my bed right now?”
“Hey, so slight change of plans,” I start, and laugh when he groans dramatically. “Do you mind if I pick you up and we go say hi to my friend, Carter? We don’t have to stay long, but we played together last year and he was called up to the AHL so I haven’t seen him since he left. An hour, two tops, and then we could go back home to your?—."
“Maxy,” Luke interrupts gently, “of course we can go see your friend. Are you sure you want me to come? I can wait for you here, if you’d prefer.”
“Oh, no, I mean, I thought it would be nice to introduce you. You haven’t met Vas—Vasel—yet either. And Zeke will be there.” I pause, thinking. “Actually, if you come with me, you’ll be able to meet every one of my friends who isn’t Marcos.”