Page 9 of Forbidden Access
“Your boss told me.” He shrugged. “You don’t think I’m going to have some questions about the person guarding me?”
She gave a stiff nod. “Eight years, but I spent the last five in the Middle East.”
Yeah, Pat had said she’d been on some deep undercover mission. “Whereabouts?”
He cocked an eyebrow. “That must have been tough.”
She shrugged.
“Why’d you leave?”
A sigh. “Why all the questions?”
“Just making small talk. What else to you talk about with your bodyguard?”
“You don’t?”
“Not usually, no.”
He grinned. “I’ve never had a personal protection officer before.”
“You’re supposed to just go about your business and leave me to it.”
Sure, he could go to his study and work, but it felt wrong on their wedding night. How stupid did that sound? They weren’t really married, it was just a ruse to deter the men after him. Yet, it still felt rude to turn his back on the woman in her wedding gown standing in his lounge, no matter how much she wanted him to.
Besides, she intrigued him. A woman of secrets, even more than he had and that was saying something. “Why’d you leave the Agency?”
Another hard look. “I got shot.”
He sucked in a breath. “Oh, shit. I didn’t realize. Were you badly hurt?”
“No. Where’s the safe room?”
He’d had it constructed after he’d bought the house, complete with a reinforced steel door. In his line of business, it would be foolish not to. The room was designed to withstand almost any threat.
“Off the kitchen.”
“Show me.” She was distracting him from the conversation.
As they walked, he scanned her body for a bullet scar, but didn’t find one. Her shoulders were perfectly smooth and unmarred, as were her arms, although he could see the muscle definition. She was toned as hell, but that wasn’t a surprise. She’d have to be for her work. Her waist was synched in by the dress, accentuating her curves, before flowing to the floor. Tiny diamante or crystal studs caught the light as she moved.
“It’s under my left rib,” she said, without looking round.
“What is?”
“The bullet wound.”
He chuckled softly. “I wasn’t?—”
“Yes, you were.”
Fair enough.
“The safe room is down there.” He pointed to utility room on the far side of the kitchen. Thorn marched over and took a look around inside. He heard her descend the stairs to a purpose-built basement and open the heavy, metal door. A few moments later, she was back.
“Good. That’s where you go if anything happens,” she cautioned, turning back to look at him.