Page 5 of Forbidden Access
She lifted her chin. “Do you have an issue with a woman guarding you?”
He smiled. “I can tell you’re very good at what you do, Miss Wilde, but I can’t have a bodyguard, male or female, trailing me everywhere. It’ll make my shareholders nervous. They’re already jittery over these ridiculous death threats.”
“Are they ridiculous?” she asked. Pat had warned her Clayton was in real danger, with half the criminal underworld wanting him dead. It was only a matter of time before another attempt was made on his life. “I heard you’ve already had several close calls.”
“If you call someone losing control of their car a close call, then yes.”
“You think the near hit-and-run was a coincidence?” According to Pat, Clayton had narrowly avoided being run down by a speeding driver the police never traced.
“Maybe.” Then his eyes hardened. “But the sliced brake line on my SUV wasn’t.”
“I heard you crashed into a tree.”
“Shrubbery, actually.” He winced. “Softer landing. Luckily I wasn’t hurt.”
Thorn nodded.
“Do you see my dilemma? The share price is volatile because of the upcoming conference and rumors about my announcement. I can’t afford to add to the panic.”
“We have a solution for that, sir.” She deliberately deferred to him. She wanted to restore his sense of control, to make him feel like the client with the final say. People were much more likely to agree when they felt they were calling the shots.
“I’m listening.” He leaned back in his chair, studying her. He looked relaxed, but the tension in his neck and jaw said otherwise.
“But first, I have to ask—do you have a girlfriend?” Pat’s background check hadn’t turned up anyone significant, but there was always the chance Clayton was keeping a relationship under wraps.
His eyes flicked to the closed door and back to her. “No one serious.”
Ha! She’d been right about Christine, but it sounded like whatever was going on wasn’t mutual. Unrequited feelings could complicate things. “Good. Then no one will question the appearance of a new woman in your life.”
“What?” He placed his hands on the desk. “Wait a minute?—”
“Oh, didn’t I mention? I’ll be posing as your wife.”
“Wife?” he blurted out, nearly spluttering. The shock on his face made her smile. Her reaction when Pat first suggested the plan had been exactly the same.
She raised a hand. “I know but hear me out.”
He fell silent, though the veins in his neck bulged, and his eyes shifted from stormy to outright furious. He wasn’t happy.
“As your wife, I’ll have a legitimate reason to be with you at all times. No one will question us being together, and it’ll explain away any increased security without raising suspicion.”
Clayton’s brow furrowed, but he was listening.
“It also simplifies logistics,” she continued. “We can secure your home, and I’ll be there round the clock without anyone questioning my presence.”
“This is a fake marriage, right?”
“Of course.” She suppressed a shiver. She wasn’t that crazy.
He leaned back, his eyes narrowed. “What about the media? They’ll have a field day with this.”
“Exactly.” A small smile played on her lips. “The media attention will be a distraction. It’ll shift focus away from the real reason I’m here—your protection. A high-profile relationship will divert attention from the threats. No one will bat an eye at us being seen together constantly. It’s the perfect cover.”
He sighed, rubbing his temples. “I suppose it makes sense, but how are we going to convince everyone we’re married? I’m a confirmed bachelor.” It was said without emotion. He didn’t look pleased or displeased by the fact.
“We’ll release some staged wedding photos to the press,” she replied confidently. “And we’ll make sure your inner circle knows first. It’s crucial they understand why this is necessary. It’ll also give us an excuse to stay home together until the conference, reducing your exposure to potential threats. It’s not ideal, but it’s the best way to ensure your safety.”
He shifted uncomfortably in his chair. “I don’t know. I have meetings?—”