Page 69 of The Saloon Girl's Only Shot
“It’s not right. Is it?”
“Let’s try. See if I get it right.” He sounded as if he was laughing at her, but she felt his touch on her, exploring, parting.
His head ducked, and he painted a hot lick across her most vulnerable flesh. It was so startling and intense, her legs instinctually tried to close, but his brawn was in the way.
“I don’t know what to do,” she said, thighs jerking with reaction as she fought her reflexive shyness.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes,” she said on a mortified sob, throwing her arm over her eyes.
“Then lie still and enjoy it.” He took hold of her legs in strong, hugging arms and set about sliding and swirling his tongue against her in ways that made her groan and rock her hips and bite her lip.
“There,” she gasped. “Do that there— Oh. Oh. Owen. Owen.”
He released one of her legs, and his fingers slid deep into her with no effort whatsoever, she was so wet and welcoming. His head rocked, and his fingers plunged deep.
She screamed as her world exploded.
Chapter 19
“Do you want me to do that to you?”
Owen froze where he was bent over the wash stand splashing icy water from the basin across his face, rinsing her essence out of his beard.
“What?” he asked, hoping like hell he wasn’t misunderstanding.
“Taste you.”
He wanted that so badly, his cock was ready to split.
“I don’t think you’re fully prepared for the consequences of that. I’m going to fuck my hand.”
“Can I watch?”
Was she trying to kill him?
“Is it bad that I want to?” she asked hesitantly into the potent silence.
“No.” Maybe? Hell, what did he know?
He flicked a match and lit the candle they’d left on the table, then skimmed his drawers and trousers off before joining her on the bed.
She never took her eyes off his cock, which was kind of funny and kind of cute and definitely very erotic.
He settled on his back and squeezed himself, so ready he could have popped off in two rough strokes, but now he wanted to hold back and let her do whatever the hell she wanted to him.
“Can I...?” She started to reach out.
He dropped his hand away and watched her face, barely able to keep his eyes open as she closed her hand around him and lightly stroked. All her attention was on what she was doing. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to fuck her. But he let her play and explore, tickling his tight balls then returning to clasp him and pull back his foreskin. It was pure, delicious torture.
“I want to see what it feels like to hold you in my mouth.”
“Temperance, I can’t?—”
“Cannot? Or may not?” she asked with a wicked grin curving her lips. Her hair swept forward against his stomach and thigh. The soft shape of her breast brushed his waist.
“Do it.” She was definitely going to kill him.