Page 63 of Greek Pregnancy Clause
‘Was that all?’ he rumbled. ‘I have a busy afternoon.’
The urge to put her plan into action bit at her, but Odessa didn’t want to do it over the phone. This was too important.
‘No, that’s all.’
For now.
Expecting him to ring off, she held her breath when he lingered.
‘You’re well?’ he asked.
No. I miss you more than I can express.
‘I’m well,’ she said instead. ‘So is the baby. I’ll see you soon.’
She hung up before he could query that. Before he could talk her out of it.
Standing, she left the study, eager to put thought to action immediately.
Sergios stood outside the door. His gaze probed, hard and direct, and again Odessa wondered how she hadn’t seen this side of him before. Perhaps she hadn’t wanted to see it? Examine what it might mean to her?
She answered the question in his eyes. ‘I’m leaving, Sergios. As soon as it can be arranged.’
‘And your destination is...?’
‘Abu Dhabi is wonderful at this time of year, I hear,’ she said.
His smile was immediate and approving, the hands that gripped hers warm and firm. ‘Good, mikros. Very good.’
THE DEEP PEACH dress with silver piping did very little to hide her pregnancy.
Not that she was trying to. On the contrary, Odessa loved nothing more than to smooth her hand over the soft chiffon and her swollen belly, her heart kicking when she felt movement beneath her touch.
Her much-enhanced cleavage did draw a blush to her cheeks—especially the way the silver piping moulded and emphasised her breasts, cinching beneath her bust before flaring to the floor. She loved the way the three silver rope spaghetti strap design emphasised her tan. Her hair, left to grow even longer over the past few months, was caught in an elegant chignon, a few sun-streaked highlights gleaming in the dark caramel tresses.
A nervous smile curved her light peach-glossed lips, and no matter how long and deep she inhaled, she couldn’t quite catch her breath.
Because of what lay ahead of her.
Odessa wasn’t entirely sure it was a good idea to combine the grand opening of Odessa Tower with attempting to put her marriage on the right track, but she’d made the decision and was determined to stick to it. Not least because the past four weeks had been hectic, with Ares cagily resisting her every attempt to find ten minutes to talk.
As if she’d conjured him from thought alone, she sensed him in the doorway. Nerves held her still and she didn’t turn around immediately. Instead, she tried to compose herself, to think through how she would convince him to give them a chance.
If he said no...
Her heart lurched, but she pushed the feeling away.
If he said no, she’d have no choice but to revert to her initial plan to meet with her lawyer and fight for her children.
But, Dio mio, with every fibre of her being she hoped he didn’t.
Thee mou, she looked glorious.
A delicious peach—pun very much intended—that every atom of his body screamed at him to devour. He hadn’t paid much attention to the changes that happened in pregnant women until his own wife had fallen pregnant. He should have. Because over the months he’d been bombarded with surprises. Some unpleasant stomach-churning when her morning sickness had hit full-force and nothing had seemed to alleviate it. Then the very absorbing, carnal and viscerally primal impact of watching her body change. Seeing her belly swell with his child.
He understood now how some men were rampant with protectiveness.