Page 37 of Greek Pregnancy Clause
‘They’ve what?’ he snapped at his housekeeper.
Demeter eyed him steadily, looking irritated, with her hands propped on her wide hips, her head tilted as if questioning his hearing.
‘They took the car out half an hour ago. Kyrios Sergios said they were exploring the island.’
‘The car. Not the buggy? Are you sure? Who was driving?’ he snapped, dreading the answer.
Sergios had grudgingly given up driving because of his arthritis, but Ares knew he missed it dearly. If his father had talked his wife into taking out his sports car on unfamiliar roads...
‘Was it Odessa?’
He was sure Demeter mentally rolled her eyes.
‘Ne,’ she confirmed.
‘But she doesn’t drive,’ he replied, and even before a response was out of her mouth he was reversing his direction towards the front door and going to the garage where the sports car he rarely used should be.
It was a ridiculous idea to have a car on the island, but he’d given in to his father’s passion for engines. And on the rare occasions when they transferred the car to his yacht and went to Mykonos or Santorini he enjoyed driving the streets with Sergios.
But there were strict rules to those arrangements.
He cursed under his breath as he stood staring at the empty space. Plucking his phone out of his pocket, he started to dial—just as the sound of a powerful engine reached him.
He whirled in time to see the yellow Spyder cresting the hill half a mile away, then zipping forward.
Thee mou, she was driving too fast.
Ares’s legs propelled him down the driveway, so he could get a better view. So he could be driven out of his mind as he watched it jerk, then stall, before shooting forward once again.
His grip tightened around the phone, his heart in his throat. If anything happened to them...
The urge to call out and tell her to stop the car immediately hurtled through him. But what if that distracted her? A cold shiver scrambled over his nape and for the next four minutes he stood stock still, watching the yellow speck grow larger until it appeared at the bottom of the driveway.
Then it stalled again, and he winced, feeling his teeth on edge as he heard the grinding gears. The car jerked once more, then sped up again, before coming to a screeching halt a dozen feet from where he stood.
Both occupants were grinning—but their expressions altered when they saw him.
He stalked towards her before the engine was turned off. ‘What the hell do you think you’re doing?’
‘Hello to you, too,’ she snapped back.
Ares refused to admit how good she looked behind the wheel. How good she looked, full stop. The Greek sun clearly agreed with her, and her tanned skin set off her startlingly beautiful eyes.
‘I asked you a question,’ he grated, residual terror unwilling to release its stranglehold on him just yet, even as other parts of his body reacted to the sight and heavenly smell of her.
‘We went for a drive.’ Her tone suggested she was stating the obvious.
He glanced at his father, his eyes narrowing when he saw amusement in his eyes. ‘It’s not funny,’ he snapped at the old man in Greek.
Sergios raised both hands in mock surrender, then dropped a quick kiss on Odessa’s temple before stepping out of the vehicle and making himself scarce.
‘Is that scowl supposed to scare me?’ she demanded.
He flicked at the button that elevated the gull wing door and held out his hand. ‘Keys.’
She tossed them over with a glare.