Page 13 of Greek Pregnancy Clause
Surprise stiffened her spine, despite her having had the same thought a minute ago. ‘What?’
‘Tell me there’s anything here that you’re remotely attached to?’ he challenged coolly.
She wanted to protest, but secretly she was relieved to leave it all behind. Everything here signified oppression under her father’s ruthless thumb.
But aren’t you exchanging one version of hell for another? This man shattered your dreams...left you behind.
No, this path was of her own choosing. And while Ares had gained a ruthless reputation, he hadn’t turned cruel, had he?
‘What is it?’
She started, and realised she’d been examining him with rabid intent. Was it to see if he wore his cruelty as proudly as her father had worn his?
‘I’m wondering if you’ll be as cruel to me as my father was,’ she confessed brazenly.
She was done with walking innocently into situations, trusting as blindly as she’d trusted him years ago. It was the only way she could guard her emotions. After all, if she wasn’t pinning any foolish hopes on him she couldn’t be disappointed, could she?
He stiffened, his expression growing remote. Within a heartbeat he was sliding his fingers into her hair, tilting her face up so he could spear her with outraged eyes. ‘You dare compare me to that monster?’ he seethed.
Her heart squeezed. ‘I thought I knew you...back then. But it turned out I was wrong, so who knows?’
‘You do. You just choose to misremember. To make yourself feel better by pretending what’s happening to you right now is entirely everyone else’s fault when you must bear some responsibility.’
‘That’s not true. I’ve just learned that nothing stays the same. People change. The evidence is standing right before me.’
His eyes gleamed, as if he found her amusing and infuriating all at once. Then, just as quickly, his expression hardened. ‘No, people don’t change. Sometimes they just hide who they are until it suits them to reveal themselves. Other times the people in their lives just choose not to notice.’
He meant her, of course.
Odessa bit her lip, felt the urge to explain herself, to explain Paolo and that kiss stalking through her. But before she could fabricate the words he swung away, impatience bristling in his towering frame. Just as he’d turned away that night. Only he hadn’t just turned away. He’d seized the role of judge, jury and executioner, and then abandoned her without a backward glance.
Remember that!
‘It’s time to go, Odessa.’
Not without some assurances.
‘My uncle—’
‘Is not going to be a problem,’ he said, jaw tight.
A spike of anguish lanced her. ‘Should I ask how many silver shekels I was sold for?’
‘No. It’s not important,’ he rasped.
She wanted to scream that it was to her. But she knew she’d just be furthering her heartache. She’d been a pawn for every power-hungry member of her family her entire life.
But no more.
She raised her chin and caught a flash of something in his eyes almost like surprise...admiration. But then he was slanting an impatient glance at his watch.
She went to her bedside drawer. Opening it, she took out her most treasured item. Her mother’s locket. It held the only picture she had of Renata Santella. Her father had disposed of everything else in a fit of drunken pique soon after her mother had died. Odessa had been conveniently out of the house. It was one of the many things she’d never forgiven him for.
She sensed Ares wandering close. ‘You still have that?’ he enquired gruffly.
She cradled the delicate locket in her hand. ‘Some things are worth hanging on to. No matter what.’