Page 6 of The Millionaire's Games
“No, I’m not leaving.” Ben came bounding in the room and turned the light on. Louise looked up just in time to see all the color rush from his face as he saw her lying on his brother’s bed spread eagle, with Richard’s fingers in her pu**y. She reached up to cover her br**sts and Richard laughed at her trying to protect her modesty.
“I suggest you leave Ben and we can talk about this tomorrow.” Richard spoke slowly as he continued to move his fingers in her. She groaned involuntarily and wriggled in the bed as he used his thumb to rub her cl*t at the same time.
Ben stared at them for another second and then turned around and slammed the door. Louise closed her eyes and groaned.
“I suggest you think about looking for a new job Louise. I’m sure Ben will have you fired now.”
Louise opened her eyes and looked at the man who was staring down at her coolly while playing with her pu**y.
“I suggest you listen to my offer now.” He grinned at her as she came once again in his hand. “I’ll think this is a deal you will want to make.
Chapter 5
Louise lay in Richard’s bed as he showered. She didn’t want to leave the room. She was so embarrassed and didn’t want to see Ben. Or David. She thought of David and groaned. She cared more about what David would think if Ben told him, then she cared about how Ben felt. She knew that was wrong but she was glad that she was finally out of that relationship. Ben was an idiot. She wasn’t sure what he was going to say and do about what he had seen but she knew that Richard was right about one thing. She was going to lose her job. There was no way that Ben was going to allow to stay at the firm and that put her in a very bad position. She wriggled in the bed and snuggled into the covers. She could smell sex in the sheets. And she could smell Richard. He had a potent musky male smell that clung to everything. She inhaled and grinned to herself. Richard had been a wonderful lover. It was a pity that his personality sucked.
“What’s up Cheshire Cat?” Richard interrupted her thoughts as he exited the bathroom, with nothing but a towel around his dripping wet body. She stayed at his chest; the water clung to his hair and shimmered like diamonds. He looked like a Greek God come to life.
“Nothing. Just thinking how best I can get out of this house and make it home without anyone seeing me.”
“Extreme measure no?” He looked at her with feigned admonishment.
“Not really. I’m not sure about your family but most families would be pretty shocked to meet their son’s girlfriend and then find out she slept with the other son as well.”
“I think you mean f**ked.” He grinned at her.
“What?” She was annoyed and confused.
“I want to make sure that you are using the right words. We did more than sleep together.” He licked his lips and she shivered.
“I don’t think that point is important.” She glared at him. “I think I’ll keep the word slept.”
“Well, I don’t know about you. But I felt like I f**ked last night. Not slept. But of course, that’s just me. It could be a normal night for you.”
“Yeah, I’m a slut Richard. Is that what you want to hear.” Louise stood up angrily and walked away from the bed with the white sheet wrapped around her body. She walked clumsily trying not to fall.
“So you do want money then?”
She walked up to him in anger and stopped right in front of his face. “You are an ass**le Richard Beekman. A first class ass**le.” She pushed past him and walked into the bathroom, where she promptly closed and locked the door.
“Don’t take too long dear, I was hoping to get my money’s worth.” Richard laughed through the door.
“You’ll never get in my pants again ass.” She shouted through the door and looked at herself in the mirror. She frowned at her image. She resembled someone who had spent a wild night in bed. Her hair looked like she was a scarecrow and her mascara and eye shadow was smudged all over her eyes. She looked like a hot-mess and she was surprised that Richard had even slept with her. He should be with tall leggy blondes, not average sized women with no money and a bad attitude. Which is what she was sure he must be thinking about her. She stuck her tongue out in the mirror and groaned when she saw a hicky on her neck. Her body was proudly displaying the marks of their passionate night. She flushed just remembering the things he had done to her. And that Ben had seen part of it, oh the shame. She groaned out loud and turned the shower on. It was large and luxurious and the water was still hot. She got into the shower and stood there, allowing the hot water to scald her skin and wash away her transgressions.
Louise stayed in the shower for about 30 minutes. But even she knew she couldn’t hide out in there. She had to face the music and make a plan. She only had about $500 in her checking account so she knew that she had to figure something out soon. The landlord would not care about her bad luck in love when it came time to pay the rent. She stood there in the bathroom drying herself and then remembered she had no clothes in the room asides from the sexy nightdress. “Just my luck.” She mumbled to herself as she opened the door.
Richard was still in the room sitting on the bed when she left the bathroom. “Took your time didn’t you?” He smiled. “You should have let me in, I could have scrubbed your back or your butt.”
“No thanks.” She glared at him, while trying to decide what to do. She walked over to the bed to find her nightgown and he held it up in his hand.
“Looking for this?”
“Give it to me.” She snapped.
“What?” He stood up and held it above his head. She clutched on to her towel with one hand and tried to grab the nightgown with the other hand.
“Just give it to me Richard.” She snarled at him. He looked down at her and grinned. He felt himself growing hard just staring at her. She didn’t know it but her boobs were about ready to spill out of the top of the towel and he was enjoying the view.
“That’s not a nice way to talk to the man who pleasured you all night.”
“Don’t you feel bad about what you did? To your own brother?” Her voice was filled with disdain.
“Hey, he was your boyfriend. You’re the one who broke his heart.”
“He’s your brother!” She tried not to let him make her feel guilty.
“It didn’t seem to me that you were really that interested in him. I did him a favor.” He smirked at her. “I mean, let’s be realistic, if it wasn’t me you were f**king last night, it would have been David.”
She slapped him hard. “How dare you.” She forgot about her towel in her rage and it dropped to the ground. She only realized she was standing in front of him na**d when she saw his pupil’s dilate and heard the intake of his breath. He dropped her nightgown to the floor and drew her towards him, crushing her lips against his. She felt her br**sts brush against his wool covered chest and she giggled.
“I’m sorry,” She laughed. “The wool in your sweater is tickling me.” She wriggled away from him and she saw something in his eyes when she laughed that looked almost like fondness.
“I’m not sure what that says about me when a na**d woman laughs when I kiss her but I’m not going to examine it too deeply.” He laughed alongside her and picked up her nightgown. “Here, take this and go change. Everyone is out right now so the coast should be clear.” He reached over and kissed her long and hard. “We can talk later.”