Page 3 of The Millionaire's Games
“It’s a pleasure to meet you mam. I’m Rhett Butler.” He took her hand and kissed it and then bowed.
“Uh, I’m Louise.” She mumbled the words unsure of what to say.
“That I already knew.” He laughed at his own words. “Ben, good to see you.”
“Richard.” Ben smiled thinly and nodded his head. So that is Richard, Louise thought. She was surprised. He didn’t have the same coloring or features of Ben or David. They were as light as he was dark. She could see why Ben resented his brother. There was a confidence and aura to Richard that Ben would never have. Richard exuded power and finesse and was a virile man. Ben on the other hand was weak. Where one was a lion, the other was a rabbit.
Richard turned back to face Louise. “I can call you Scarlett if you want?” He grinned at her and she felt a shiver run through her body.
“I don’t think so Rhett.” She looked him in the eyes as she spoke and she saw them gleam with respect. She had a feeling that not many people dared to tease Richard Beekman back.
“Ben, dear, how good to have you home.” The older blond lady kissed Ben. “Is this your friend?” She turned to Louise and smiled. “Hello, I’m Susannah Beekman. Ben’s mother.”
“Nice to meet you Mrs. Beekman.” Louise was surprised that Ben’s mom seemed so genuine and down to earth. She had expected to be met with narrowed eyes and suspicion.
“Please call me Susie.”
“Thank you.” Louise smiled at the woman and marveled at how beautiful she was. She had to be in her 50’s at least but everything about her seemed polished and young. In contrast Louise felt dowdy and old. Oh the pains of being poor!
“Shall I show you to your room Louise?”
“Yes please Susie.” Louise followed the older lady up the staircase and looked back at the brothers talking. David had joined them and they stood there in a sea of handsome and rich men. She caught David’s eye and he grinned at her. She smiled back and him and as she turned her face to continue up the stairs, she saw Richard staring at her intensely. Her heart quickened as she worried that he had seen her and David exchange that glance.
“Here’s your room dear. I hope it is to your liking.” Susie left her alone and Louise marveled at the size of the room. It was bigger then her whole apartment. She sat on the bed and lay back staring at the ceiling. She was happy that she hadn’t been placed in the same room as Ben as that would have been annoying having to fight his hands off. But she sighed at the greater worry that was in her mind. She was very attracted to David and she had a feeling he was interested as well, she wasn’t sure what to do about it though, seeing as she was there with Ben. She closed her eyes to take a quick nap and to get rid of her negative thoughts. She slipped into a deep sleep and smiled as she dreamt of one of the Beekman brother’s kissing her. She rolled around on the bed and sighed with pleasure at the deep kiss that was happening in her mind. Her eyes shot open in the dream and she found herself staring into Richard’s eyes. She immediately jumped in her dream and woke up as well. She ran her hand over her forehead and sighed.
“Is everything okay?” A deep voice questioned her from the doorway. There was amusement in his tone.
“Yes, I’m fine thanks. Just had a bad dream.” She smiled a weak smile. “I guess I should get ready for dinner.”
“Yes, that would be a good idea.” He smirked at her. “Try not to fall asleep again.” And with that Richard walked back out of the door and Louise groaned. This was going to be a very awkward weekend indeed.
Chapter 3
Louise decided to wear her new white dress from JCREW for dinner. She had gotten it on sale but she felt that it still looked pretty expensive. Well as expensive as she would ever be able to afford. She brushed her long black hair until it shone like silk and she applied some gold eye shadow to her eyes and applied her bronzer liberally. “What the hell,” she thought as she looked at the rest of her skin tone. So she decided to add self-tanner to her legs and arms as well. She looked in the mirror and smiled. She looked good. And that gave her the confidence to go downstairs and deal with all of the Beekman men.
She followed the voices as she walked down the stairs. She was a bit annoyed that Ben hadn’t come to get her in her room to show her where dinner was, but that just gave her more resolve to dump him. She walked into the dining room and took a deep breath as she looked at the sea of blond men. Ben, David, and someone she presumed to be Mr. Beekman all looked like Danish Kings: debonair and dashing. Mrs. Beekman was chatting with two beautiful blonds, who looked like supermodels and they all looked like something from a celebrity magazine.
“Sickening isn’t it?” A voice whispered next to her and she jumped. She turned and saw Richard next to her.
“Oh hi.” She smiled at him, while wondering how he had the ability to keep sneaking up on her. “Yeah, your family is beautiful.”
“Yes, it seems almost unfair to have so much money and good looks.” Richard studied her face. “How long have you and Ben been dating.”
“Oh, well, we’re not really dating.” She mumbled her words, not really sure how much to say.
“You’re not a paid guest are you?” He looked at her quizzically with a raised eyebrow.
“A paid guest.” She repeated his words until she finally understood what he meant. “No, no. I am not a hooker.” She gasped at him. “I work with Ben at the firm.”
Richard looked at her in surprise. “You’re a lawyer?”
“No.” She bowed her head. “I’m a secretary.” She looked him in the eye. “And a darn good one too.”
“I see.” He smirked. “I didn’t think you were a lawyer. You don’t have the look.”
“What does that mean?” She said annoyed.
“You should know. You work at the firm. What do most of the women lawyers look like to you?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” She turned away from him, even though it crossed her mind that he was paying her a compliment.
“Louise, you made it down.” David rushed over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “And may I say mam, you are looking divine.” He spoke in a country accent and she laughed.
“Save the drama for the stage David.” Richard grinned at his brother and they both laughed. Louise saw Ben staring at them from the corner looking displeased. She didn’t understand why he didn’t just come over and talk to them.
“Would you like a drink Louise?” Richard offered.
“Yes please. A Malibu Sprite, if you have it.”
“We have the best stocked bar this side of the Atlantic.” David laughed. “I’ll have a scotch on the rocks big bro.”
Richard walked away to get their drinks and David moved closer to her. “You are the sexiest woman my brother has ever dated, do you know that?”
“I bet you say that to all the girls.” Louise grinned at David and stifled a groan as Ben finally approached them.
“Good Evening Louise.” He nodded formally, his floppy blond hair falling in his face. She wished he would cut his hair; he was too old to be looking like a Justin Bieber wannabe. “I’d like to introduce you to my dad.” He turned around to call his dad over but the man had already left the room. “I guess he went to finish up some business, I’ll introduce you later.”