Page 16 of Memphis Bound
"You okay, princess? Did we hurt your hand?"
"It's fi—"
A loud thump rattles the door to the office.
"Memphis. I need you out here!" Venom shouts through the heavy wood. "Rick is refusing to leave the property until he speaks to you."
My heart slams against my ribcage as reality hits like a tidal wave dunking me under.
My god. I just let Memphis, my boss, get me off at his desk. We're at work. Anyone could have heard us. And he still doesn't have a clue who I am or why I'm really here.
I jump off his lap. He tries to grab me, but I scurry out of his reach, snatching my shirt from the floor to throw it on.
"Kylie," he growls.
"I should get back to work," I mumble, avoiding his gaze. "You have stuff to do."
"Goddammit, Kylie. Don't run from me."
"Don't tell me what to do, Memphis. You don't know me."
"Then let me in."
He makes it sound so easy…just let him in. But right now, he wants me. I doubt he'll feel the same when he finds out that I'm one of the people from the past he's tried so hard to bury.
I shake my head, backing toward the door. "I can't. I'm sorry."
I fumble for the handle behind me as he stands, stalking toward me with a predatory grace that makes my knees weak. He's like a big cat on the prowl, all solid muscle and power.
I want nothing more than to let him catch me, pin me to the floor, and make me his in every way. But I can't. Not like this. Not with so many secrets still between us.
"Don't run from this, Kylie," he growls, his voice a low rumble. "From me. From us."
Us. The word pierces my heart. I want there to be an us so badly it hurts. But how can there be when I'm lying to him with every breath? When I'm hiding who I really am? When I don't know who he really is?
"There is no us, Memphis," I whisper, the words acid on my tongue.
Pain flashes through his eyes, there and gone again in an instant. But I see it. I feel it. It hurts like hell to know I hurt him.
His jaw clenches, a muscle ticking in his cheek. "Like hell there isn't," he growls, eyes narrowed on me. "You're mine, princess. Every goddamn inch of you belongs to me."
Panic claws at my throat as I practically throw myself through the door, my heart thundering in my ears. I practically collide with Venom's hulking body two steps from the door.
"Watch it," he mutters, stepping aside to let me pass.
"Kylie, get back in here before I spank your infuriating little ass!" Memphis shouts after me, his voice rough with frustration.
But I don't stop. I can't stop. Because if I do, I'll be lost to him completely. And that terrifies me more than anything.
Chapter Five
It's nearly noon when I roll up on the Devil Outriders clubhouse on the outskirts on Nashville, looking for Phantom. The motherfucker was long gone by the time I got outside last night. He's fuckin' lucky he didn't stick around. The way I was feeling after Kylie ran out on me, I may have killed him and left his fucking body in the streets.
Kylie saved Rick's sorry ass when she told me what happened. The fact that he stuck around to handle his shit like a man earned my respect.
But Phantom won't be as lucky. He insulted her and put his fucking hands on her. I'm handling that shit today.