Page 96 of Dark Awakening: New World
He probably expected her to initiate sex, and even though she was very much on board for that, she was worried that he wasn't physically ready yet. Maybe they could take things slow and explore each other but save the main event for when he was in better health.
Heck, maybe she could introduce him to porn so he wouldn't feel like such a clueless novice? Not the cringey stuff that guys like to watch, but the romantic stuff she enjoyed, with actual plot and conversation and not just bodies going at it.
Nah, that was probably a bad idea.
What if he became addicted to it, and it would all be her fault for corrupting the innocent, virginal former priest?
She'd seen how it affected some guys, warping their expectations and attitudes. Ell-rom needed a gentler introduction to sexuality.
The sound of the door opening again pulled Jasmine back to the present.
Aru entered, followed by Negal and Dagor. They were laden with bags from the Golden Dragon, but even without the insignia on the paper bags, the aroma of Chinese food was unmistakable.
Suddenly, it occurred to her that Ell-rom might get nauseated by the smell, and she cast him a quick glance, but he seemed fine, smiling at Aru, who he had met before.
"Ell-rom!" Aru exclaimed, walking over and offering Ell-rom his hand. "You look much improved. How are you feeling?"
Jasmine was relieved to see that all three had their earpieces in.
Ell-rom smiled and shook the god's hand. "Much better, thank you. Supposedly, I'm making good progress, but I wish it was happening faster. I'm impatient." He smiled. "I also wish I had the strength to greet you standing up."
"No worries, my friend. We understand." He motioned for his companions to step forward. "These are my teammates, Negal and Dagor."
"Pleased to meet you," Ell-rom said as he shook Negal's offered hand and then Dagor's.
"I have many questions about Anumati," Ell-rom said. "I was hoping you could tell me about it."
"Hold that thought," Margo interrupted. "Let's get this food sorted out first before it gets cold. There'll be plenty of time for questions over dinner."
"Oh, damn." Jasmine shot to her feet. "I forgot to bring Ell-rom's special meal from the clinic."
"No worries," Aru cut in with a smile. "Margo reminded me to pick up Ell-rom's dinner on the way."
The dining table was covered with an array of dishes, fragrant and colorful, and as long as Ell-rom didn't know what they were made from, he didn't get nauseous. Perhaps the aversion to animal products was not physiological but psychological, and it was so deeply rooted that even the loss of his memory could not erase it.
Nevertheless, he was grateful for the bespoke meal, which was a carefully prepared blend of nutrients designed to help him regain his strength. It looked bland in comparison to what the others were eating, but he didn't mind. It was tasty and didn't make him feel sick.
As everyone settled in and began to serve themselves, the conversation flowed easily. Jasmine kept a watchful eye on him, ready to jump in if he seemed uncomfortable, but he was holding his own.
"So, Ell-rom," Frankie said between bites, "What do you think of Earth so far?"
"I like the people." He turned to Jasmine. "Human and immortal." He shifted his gaze back to Frankie. "I saw the blue sky today, and I wondered how it compared to the sky over Anumati. It's frustrating not to have even the most basic memories."
"The sky over Anumati has a reddish hue," Aru said. "It's much darker, even in the middle of the day, because our sun is dimmer but much larger than Earth's, and the planet itself is much larger than Earth as well. We have two moons, and that's cool to see at night. But the planet is hot and humid in most locations. It is also quite windy, which is actually helpful as it counteracts the heat and humidity to some extent. The gods prefer to live in underground cities, protected from the wind and the heat, but the Kra-ell are a hardier lot, and they revere nature and its bounty, not technology and its conveniences."
Ell-rom nodded. "What about transportation? Do they use private vehicles?"
"The gods use hovercrafts," Dagor said. "That's a much more efficient mode of transportation because there is no need to pave roads. Instead, the underground cities are connected by large tunnels, and gods can either traverse those in their private crafts or board a fast train."
"What about the Kra-ell?" Ell-rom asked.
Negal chuckled. "Believe it or not, most just walk or run. Their society is organized in semi-nomadic small tribes." He glanced at Aru. "You know how to explain that better than I do."
Aru nodded. "I often think that their diet is what shapes their entire culture. They don't need to grow anything, and they don't need to store food, which are the two main catalysts for societal organization, cooperation, and innovation. Wars are also a catalyst for those things, so the Kra-ell made some progress over time, but they prefer their traditional ways and are proud of them."